[WE128]: My Life In A Movie

in Weekend Experiences2 years ago (edited)

What if you were to star in a movie made about your own life. Would it be an action movie, comedy, science-fiction, apocalyptic, romantic-comedy, drama, action-comedy or a porno? In at least 400 words explain your choice and why you chose it and what the plot might be.

Last week I wasn't opportuned to join the engagement because of some busy schedules I've had in the past few weeks. So ever since I've been looking forward to this week's engagement. And finally, it is here.

Okay, I guess I say this every time that the topics to choose for the engagement of this beautiful community are always broad, and interesting. Most times you're asked questions about how you would have done something that relates to your life by @galenkp and for some minutes you find out that you're blank. Although it's a personal question but, at that point you realize that you just have not figured out that part of you yet. That's how interesting the questions are. Should I say it somehow helps in our self realization.

So for this week's engagement I will be answering the topic above.

Believe me, if I'm privileged I would like to do a movie about me. Yeah, I've always somehow dreamt of it. But the thing here is that my movie or the movie about my life would not relate in any of the genres that was listed in the question.

My life story in a movie will be a tragic-comedy. Yeah because My story hasn't been all rosy. It's been a fair share of happiness and unhappiness all packed up in a big tall guy and dishes in bits from each section at different occasions.

As a kid I spent most of my years in the hospital. The only offspring in my family that always gets sick. I barely get the chance to do what I love for fear of being rushed to the hospital. But then again I was the life of the house, the comedian, the mist caring and loved by all.

Fast forward to teenage years, I had a fair share of the good of life. Good friends, crazy adventures, I did some of the things I loved. It was a great teenage life.

Now getting to adulthood and it's struggling with the unfavorable system in the country and another fair share if the hospitals too. Generally, my adult life has been a mix of both.

You know the good thing about the whole story of my life is that I never stopped believing and pushing and motivating myself. Because that's what everyone is supposed to do. A positive mindset brings positive results. Because if I am to look back and calculate to my current stage in life, I'll beat my chest and brag that there has been a vast change because I didn't give up. So I'll like to add that there would be a bit of a self motivation theme in my life movie.

So yeah, that's just a brief summary. But the good thing is I've come to realize that it's life and no one, absolutely no one has it easy in life. Even Disney was able to understand this logic. That was why Cinderella and any other colourful character they portrayed in their contents never had it so easy.

So the plan now is to work hard to get the best of life.

This is my entry to this week's engagement on weekend experiences. You too can join here.