[WEEK 145]: The most romantic thing I have ever done

Greetings People!🙌

On this WEEK 145 contest organized by @galenkp , I chose to write about the most romantic thing I did for someone.

In this current era, we've succeeded in recognizing financial gifts as main gifts and pushing aside the little things that used to matter.

As for me, I've given out clothes (both new and used) as gifts to a lady, and I didn't count on those things as a romantic approach because I know they've received more worthy gifts from other people... although it depends on the lady but Imagine gifting a lady Infinix phone while she had received iPhone somewhere

The most romantic thing I've done for a lady

It wasn't a thing but a care.

Some years ago, I had one of my female friends fell sick. The sickness came at the moment when we were all waiting for our monthly pay; our accounts were totally dried up, we couldn't afford ordinary paracetamol.

We were lucky that the situation wasn't critical, all she needed was medicine.

I finds it very uneasy to stay and watch someone die of pain, so I took a bold step and went to a chemist shop that was a little bit far because there was none close by. I explained my financial situation to the lady in charge, and she gave me the drugs on credit.

I quickly rushed back and gave the drugs to her, she took them, and the pain got reduced in a couple of hours.

I didn't go back to my house that night, I slept at a friend's houses just to be around in case her sickeness returns in the night.

Yeah, she got really fine at the dawn of the day and we all thanked God

Did I mention that I was making my way to her heart before the sickness began?
Yeah, I liked her even though she already told me that she has a boyfriend...I was just hanging around, looking for a loophole to enter🙄.

When she was completely fine, she walked up to me and said what I did for her that night was the most romantic thing she has received from someone.
Image source

Awwwnnn! I felt like I was in heaven.

I felt like I was winning her heart already....story for another day,🙇

Thanks for reading


Wow. That was so nice of you. May God richly bless you.🙏

Amen oooo!
Thanks for stopping by🙌

That was awesome, always after the heart😂

I'm coming for yours too 🤣

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Saludos hermoso gesto incalculable te felicito

muchas gracias señora🥰🥰