Just Push Play

in Weekend Experiences5 days ago (edited)

How many times have you typed a text or e-mail or any other kind of message and forgot to hit send?

The Hooters.Well my #saturdayselections ended up in post purgatory. PP is the place where really great or even shitty postings go when the creator of them is a dumb ass and easily distracted by shiny objects, Strange Noises and things like

Mmm... Boobies Hooters Kitties

I had this post all planned out and ready to go. Earlier this week I heard a great old band known as The Hooters on the radio. Day by Day was the song. I thought to meeself...

cue dream sequence music intro

"Self, You should do a #saturdayselections posting about The Hooters. Now what were those other songs by them that were so good way back in the day?"

I began scratching my head, Scratching my ass, Scratching just to scratch and then thought...

"Hey KrazzyTrukker maybe you need a shower?"

Here is the distraction I am referring to that made me forget to hit the publish tab on this post as I was working on it outside sitting on the front deck Saturday evening at sunset.

Feeding Ballz one of our 5 feral adoption from 8 years ago

We often sit at sundown on our front uncovered deck this time of the year when the bugs and humidity are near zero. The sun is setting behind the house so it is many times quite chilly also.

Our 3 surviving ferals make their way to the front yard and lay waiting for their pet humans to appear with kitty treats to share with them. They come right up onto the deck. Only one we call Shadow will take them from our hand. Ballz seen in the moving picture show will come within inches but then quickly retreats. Even after five years they are still hesitant to trust. Life is rough for an outdoor cat.

Hey Dumb Ass KrazzyTrukker.!!

Just Push Play

Ok, Here ya go. Better late than never.

The Hooters - And We Danced

The Hooters - All You Zombies

The Hooters - Day By Day

Thanks as always for riding along with ol' krazzy on this day late & dollar short Saturday song fest on a Sunday.

Keep on KrazzyRockin'



After Publishing Edit

So L👀k what pops up on my hand held spy device right after I post this with the word Hooters in it.


Img Src

Nahhh, big brother is not watching us. Just a coincidence... 😳

