My Supergirl..!
Thanks to Galen for another kick in thee arse motivational W.E.
🔅The most valuable person in my life🔅
We all have that "Super-Person" in our lives. Am I Right?
Mine I just call Pooky...
The 2 Loves of my life
Your Supergirl (person) could be your Mother, Your Bother/Sister. Your partner in life. Even a pet... (if your like me and really do not like people much) Even a pet like your Dog or Cat.!
Ooops.! Did I say "person"?
A Long Damn Time.!!Sometimes we do not even know who our Super-Person will be until many years have passed and they have been by your side through thick and thin. Good times and bad. My two have been hangin' round and putting up with this weird trucking lifestyle a long, long time. @pooky-jax since 1995 and @krazzy-kitty since 2010. You can do the math. The numbers add up to
I try to be the Super-Man that they think I am. Sometimes I fall on my face trying and look like a monkey, not a man. But I will always be here for them...
Comment below and let me know who your "Soops (Super-others)" are?
My Soops on the Hive are (name drop time)
I am sure there are more that I am forgetting. Some are not active on here right now. But they are still Super in my opinion. Hope to see them come back..?
Here are a couple I just recently bumped into...
@dunstuff (Orange Cats Rock.!)
post proves it.@andrastia (Cat People Rock) And this
So here is to the #Weekend-Engagement and all of those...
Have a great weekend and hug that " One" or several others that you love.
And B-4 I forget...
What a SUPER POST @krazzytrukker, @pooky-jax and @krazzy-kitty !
It's freaking awesome that these super people (yes that includes you Sammi-Jo) get to be part of this circle of peeps that you hold in high regard. I gotta agree that Hive is full of some pretty wickedly rad people and it's always nice to give them a shout out. Your list is cool.
Have a good one.
I am always a little afraid to list names. Do not want anyone getting annoyed. But credit where credit is due. I think highly of them. So they are on the...
Uh huh... I do understand the part of pets being more tolerable. And I guess with time I'll find my soop who isn't my mom...
Soops are whomever we want them to be.
And Moms are one of the best.!
It would totally be my wife @ssiena! She’s helped me grow and become who I am, unlike others who have tried to hold me back. We’re building a life we want and what’s good for us, and I think that’s huge!
I bet most often it would be our partners in life. Followed by children, siblings and pets.
Then maybe it gets weird after that..?

hehe name drops are fun once in a while. Hive is stacked full of super peeps all over the place!
Have a wonderful weekend 😃