Nomnomnom... Burp..!

in Weekend Experiencesyesterday (edited)

WTF's in your refrigerator?


Kinda getting personal with these topics aren't we? I mean WTH is next my underwear drawers? Don't even ask me to show you what is in my toolboxes. Straight up NSFW shit right there! Hardcore Tool Porn in those man cave tool boxes...

There is also a refrigerator/freezer in that man cave. Shown here.



Now here in the house fridge there is a pretty even mixture of healthy stuff and stuff that will most likely kill you someday. Hey I told ya it would be NSFW or pretty much not safe for anywhere else.

Lets take a tour into one of my personal private spaces that we call our Refrigerator Freezer. It is a New in 2022 Samsung with the Freezer pull out on the bottom. Ice maker and WiFi. Yep, online we can check temperatures and have alarms set for doors open and power outage. All right there on that mini spy device called the cellular smart phone. Our previous fridge we had for 16+ years. A GE Frigidaire model. Side by side Freezer/Refrigerator doors. It was a great unit that worked well when we replaced it. Moving it to the garage where it kept things cold and frozen for another two years.

I like everything about this current Samsung unit except for the ice maker. It is very slow and filling your glass takes 5 times as long. 10-15 seconds with the GE. Up to a minute waiting for the ice to drop with this Samsung.

Lets take a look inside shall we?

In the left door shelving we have a built in water pitcher that auto fills and many smaller items. Take a look please so I do not have to list them all.

Right side door has a neat feature that lets you open to either side of the shelves with a double latch handle.


Many larger items in this side door.

On to the meat and potatoes of the fridge... Literally. The belly of the beast. Take a look and give us some feedback. But be careful! Some take their cold food items pretty seriously.



Hungry now ain't ya? So lets wrap this shit show up and cook us something out of that refrigerator on the Pit Boss Grill.


Thanks for Eating along with ol' KrazzyTrukker on this strange #weekend-engagement topic. A refrigerated food fest. Maybe a psych eval is in order for our topics coordinator?

As always thank you for reading...

Keep on KrazzyTruckin'



Hey look, you've got the racist bottle of syrup!!!! Off to the gallows with you, heathen!

Interesting weekend topic this week it seems lol. I'm guessing you have some stomach issues here and there :D pepto and kayo? That's needed for me after some pretty intense Thai food..

Ah I'm hoping to have a garage one day.. I would love to have a fridge inside and an additional one outside with a nice freezer! I want to buy a half a cow or whole cow and just store that shit and pop out some steaks and shit when I can. Life goals!

The cow poppin' is a good goal to have. You connected the dots rather well. Lactaid Milk. Pepto, Kao, Alka Seltzer chews. I really do have to watch what I eat. That Thai food would hospitalize me. Anything too spicy fuks up my day.

You really have alot of stuff in your fridge

Uhhggg!! I know right...

My wife is the BOGO Queen. Every Buy One Get One free gets purchased. So we are always stocked up on crazy stuff.

That's nice, it saves cost

You have a typical American refrigerator, hahaha...many things that you will eat and others that you will inevitably throw away... We are somewhat similar, I use my pantry refrigerators many times... because then I forget where I left them... I love snooping on this type of publication's super'll see mine...of course it's simpler and I had to make some adjustments because some things were sad...hahahaha... Very good for you, excellent.

I mean WTH is next my underwear drawers?

You just gave him an idea for the next WE Topic 👀🤭, just kidding. Lol.

You really have a lot of stuffs in your fridge. Some surely is a killer, lol. But we'll still eat them anyway, coz why not right. Lol.

We do better now that we are on our 50's.

A photo 20 years back would have found beers and many junk food items.

I never even thought about doing the crisper/freezer. Oops 😳
