
in Weekend Experiences4 years ago (edited)


The year I fell in love with my life #BAE

Randy and Kel.jpg

I was single then and actually starting to think that it was going to be that way forever.


You see in 1987... "I Screwed the Pooch."

I was with Annie, Who I thought was my "soul mate"

She was the love of my life. Childhood sweethearts. Engaged to be married. Mix in a little Drugs and Alcohol, a sister in laws, little sister and...


"Screwed the Pooch."

Not that the sister was dog ugly, she was actually very pretty. Well I cheated on my childhood sweetheart. My fiancée and at the time my best friend. I could not live with myself. I could not look her in the eyes, She knew, We broke up.

I then proceeded to punish myself for 8 long years, drug abuse, alcohol, I tortured myself and pretty much everyone around me, friends, family, and few pretty cool girls along the way. Probably keepers, But for 8 long long years. I was a hot mess.

Do not get me wrong, I was a functioning alcoholic, the party guy. I had the wheels, I had the money, so a partying I would go. About 5-6 years into this self punishment and self loathing, this hatred of myself. In late 1992 I pulled the nose up on this plane wreck of a life waiting to happen.


I got a license to drive big rigs. Prime Movers as I now call them. And I got the hell outta that small town where all I could see everywhere I looked were reminders of my failures.

Leaving that one horse town. Going trucking, it worked for awhile. But after about 5 diff trucking companies in 3 years, They all pretty much suck, I decided that I could not drive for a company. I could not be "Meat in the Seat," also called steer wheel holders. I went on a mission to become an owner operator and drive my own truck for Me.


Around that time I was on a two week, or two month, it is all a blur, party binge of spending a tax refund on boozin', cruisin', and abusen'.

I was sitting up on the upper deck balcony of a local pub. Watching some friends I grew up with jamming on stage.

You can watch them here too if you like...
Roadhouse Rockers

Up the stairs comes this pretty little girl.


Biketoberfest 2001.jpg

I had seen her around over the past few years at some bars and bonfires. She has a beer in each hand, hands one to me and says "Hey!"

She then proceeded to buy me beers for the rest of the evening. Her friend had to leave due to getting up for work the next morning. So I offered her a ride home. And when dropping her off. I asked her out on an official date. Yep, That date was more drinking and hell raising. But She could hang with the best of em. I think She gets that from her father.
Here is a photo of my @pooky-jax dancing with her father after our wedding on Sept,10th 1999.

Dad trying to get me to dance.jpg

We just clicked I guess. I was not really looking and neither was she. So maybe that is why we have been together 26 years. It is a friendship first. Always has been. We are a team that always tries to pull in the same direction. We still enjoy each others company, and make each other laugh.

When I saw the dates and subject of this motivational post contest. I had to jump on board. Ironic that it is the week of our 22nd wedding anniversary!

Hey G-Dog, You stalking us bro..? LoL

Thanks for the incentive and inspiration, getting me to write something that is not a goofy shit post, with what did you call them "A Bulk Giphy Dump and Bail?" lmao.

One more thing...

You have to listen to...



# Broken Ones

I listened to it with the Cans On!

That voice, the harmonies, it is chilling, goose bumps on this one folks.!!


A raw and honest post here big man, I like it. It's those who take ownership of themselves, success or failure, that I respond to best and here you own it.

Met Pooky and the rest his history man...And look at y'all now...Different day (year) same love and emotion. Nice post fella, well worth the time reading. And no gifs. I like that, it's a nice change.

Oh yeah dude, Eden's Broken Ones is legit. You hear You and I? The acoustic. Get it in your ears.

Thanks for sharing your story

I think it is best when love happens when you're not actively looking. You tend to find the right person. Glad you found your base. Wishing you guys many more years together, cheers...

Dang we were young there!!!

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Did You get a chance to listen to that song. "Broken Ones" will tug at your heartstrings.

BEERHey @krazzytrukker, here is a little bit of from @rynow for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.