I seen Slaughter when they opened for Bullet Boys / Cinderella at the Erie Tulio Convention Center way back in 90/91ish. The concert where Keiffer dropped down out of the rafters playing piano on...
you would think I could find some video of that... SMFH
I also saw Slaughter Live at a truckstop sometime during the winter of 1992-93 near Columbus OH at 4 am. The roadies were smoking dope beside the tour bus in the parking lot. It smelled like a grass fire. The band was inside eating. Mark Slaughter and 2 others, I stopped briefly when I walked passed and told them I saw them in Erie,PA. A year or so back with Cinderella and that they rocked. They were like thanks man and went back to eating.
That's a real cool story. I enjoy running into people I'm a fan of who are cool. That's happened some.
And I think it's hilarious you called weed dope. It's a fuckin plant. Like cinnamon.
How many ladies were at a Slaughter concert? Did they outnumber the fellas? Most unbalanced I've ever seen without a doubt, hands down, Eminem. I swear to you that shit was 10:1... So many bad ass chicks you could stare and not get caught cuz you didn't have time to stare that long.
The Sins of the Father...
Please open your "King James" to verse blah blah bladdy blah.

(in my thundering GOD like preachers voice... To the @dandays chior)
Dear Lord forgive them, they know not what they do..
My Dad used to call it that and "Wacky Weed."
It Used to bother me too. But these days, since the drunk pill popping big pharma junkie nearly killed us in 2016(Sammi Jo & Me) I kinda see his point. You know I am right when I tell you, like any other mind/mood altering substance. Many abuse it.
You know... The "Wake & Bakes," like I was my first attempt at 7th grade.
I shared a school bus stop with a "Dealer." Most mornings He "Baked" me and I walked back to the house and went back to bed... Missed like 79-80 days that year. My Mom who was a big pharma junkie also. She did not care. But started busting my balls when they started sending her letters threatening to fine her. Money mattered more than anything to her. I was a dope from your just like cinnamon plant. I abused it. It did gateway me on to acid and cocaine. But I stopped short of heroin. (Damn those Poppy plants) I do not like needles. I lost a few good friends to the H.
I never tried heroin. Burned it a couple times and couldn't get past the taste, never punctured myself.
I'm high as often as possible dude. I couldn't imagine going to court or getting pulled over or rainy traffic in Ca or shitty news from the mailman without being high. Or all the people running around with their faces covered obeying the TV regurgitating YouTube like they're scientists.
Joint me, STAT!
I don't know how mufukers do it without wacky tobaccy.
Damn... Your that Fragile.?!
I wish everyone would use it like you do. It is soooo much better than the Big Pharma poison.
Nah man,
fragile. I just like natural herbs.What's Mrs Trukker and yourself up to today, anything exciting?
We both Still have to work. We had no financial foresight. She has 5 more till she is fully vested. And I got her...
Will you both continue until you're 62? I don't want to guess her age but I'm hoping her 5 more years don't equal a second beyond 62.