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RE: Tits on a bull and lazy Sundays

in Weekend Experiences5 months ago (edited)


Not gonna happen anytime soon. Too many "to do's" on the TDL.

But I will enjoy this short time to live vicariously thru your posting about a lazy Sunday that really did not sound all that lazy.

Quick breakdown of my not so fucken lazy way to bizzy Sun Day Fun Day.

By 12:01 am Sunday I was on the return trip home from Pensacola FLA.


I had driven the 300 miles over Saturday evening and was finished with my drop and hook just before midnight. At 5 am I pulled into my yard. (Foto) Crawled to my bed slept three hours. Went to help a neighbor troubleshoot his vehicles charging system. Went back to bed from 10 am till 2 pm. Then worked on the metal roofing till dark. (8 pm)


Reveal spoiler

L👀k @ that most awesome 🙀catio coop🙀 Fucking Aye Diddly Tweed.!!

Back to bed at 9 and up at 2 am this monday morning to deliver where I sit and type this in Orlando FLA with some much needed building supplies.

A day in the life of a @krazzytrukker.


Busy as fuck man, hopefully you're looking after your health as well.

Spoiler.?? I do not even know how that got in there. But I went and edited it.

Funny you should say that bro.

You know a lottle (LOTTLE=More than a LITTLE) about leg issues if my memory serves me well.

I awoke from a short power nap on Friday afternoon to 5. Count em with me... 1!2!3!4!..

Fucking FIVE.!!

Severe 🦵 leg 🦵 cramps.

4 of em in one leg, left toes, calf, Quadriceps, Front and back. All the fucking quads were fighting each other. Talk about a brutal 5-10 minutes. I was moaning and groaning. Worst I have ever had. Kelly came running in. She got me some pickle juice to drink.

Only the calf was cramping in my right leg.

Ladders and roofers yoga.

This getting old shit just SUCKS.!!

Agreed, but getting old is inevitable. Craps suck man, can be agonising. Hope it's sorted itself out.