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RE: Weekend-Engagement topics: WEEK 230

in Weekend Experiences • 4 months ago

I am steering clear, (you see what I did right there? Steering? I am a Trucker)

I will be routing around 👀 (I just can not help myself)

My destination will not be the political topics. Due to the dictatorships masquerading as elected governments. Gonna pass on those ones bro.

It is suffocating right now the overwhelming propaganda and straight up political deception everywhere.

I think I am gonna focus on the most important and historically relevant site in my city of Lake City Florida.

The Pookyville Cat Ranch


When I get where I am going tonight and park the Prime Mover. I will unleash the Hounds of Hell Cats of Trucking on the most beautiful site in my home town.

My Home

 4 months ago  

It's all going haywire, best to get back to your stronghold and fortify the defences.

Attack Cats are Ready...!


Ask Me how I know they are ready...

I have tested them and donated blood many times.

Lil Big Guy Attack Aftermath (2) (2 Min 2 Midnight) 2020-04-07.jpg

Lil Guy Final Showdown 2021-03-21.jpg

Lil Guy Final Showdown (2) 2021-03-21.jpg

 4 months ago  

Red blood. Proof you're not an alien after all.

👽 or am I..? 👽