A Weekend WithThe Storm Surfers


Cabanaroan Beach, a stretch of precious iron ore laden sand usually echoing with the shouts of surfers riding the waves during weekends, was now a canvas painted with hues of green and white. The tempestuous sea, whipped into a frenzy by the recent storm, had chased away the thrill-seekers, leaving the shore to a different breed of watermen.
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I stood mesmerized, my gaze fixed on a group of men, their silhouettes stark against the tumultuous backdrop. They were fishermen, their weathered faces etched with stories of the sea. The usual playground of surfers was now their domain, transformed into a battleground against the elements.

In their hands, they held an instrument of both artistry and sustenance - the cast net. A circular web of twine, weighted at the edges, it looked deceptively simple. Yet, its deployment was a ballet of skill and precision. With a rhythmic chant, they would gather the net, its circumference shrinking until it resembled a tightly wound coil. Then, with a swift, powerful motion, they would hurl it into the frothing water.
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The net would unfurl in a graceful arc, descending like a parachute before engulfing its prey. It was a breathtaking spectacle, a dance between man and nature. But beneath the beauty lay a raw struggle for survival.
With each successful cast, excitement rippled through the group. Their catch was primarily milkfish, their silvery bodies gleaming in the sunlight. It was evident that the recent storm had disrupted the nearby fishponds, allowing these prized fish to escape into the open sea. The fishermen worked with a sense of urgency, knowing that this bounty might be short-lived.

The fishermen were a tight-knit group, their camaraderie evident in their shared laughter and occasional banter. They worked in tandem, their movements synchronized with the rhythm of the waves. As the net was retrieved, a chorus of excited shouts would erupt, signaling a successful catch.

Small, silvery fish, bodies glistening in the sunlight, would wriggle free from the net's embrace. A few larger ones, their scales shimmering with iridescent hues, would also be among the haul. The fishermen sorted their catch with practiced efficiency, separating the keepers from the ones they would return to the sea.

As I continued to observe, my attention was drawn to a different method of fishing. Two men were wading in the chest-deep waters at the mouth of the Maragayap River. They held a larger net, which they stretched into a wide, circular shape. With synchronized movements, they began to agitate the water, creating ripples and disturbances that seemed to corral the fish towards the center of their net. It was a coordinated dance, a patient strategy that contrasted with the explosive power of the cast net.

Their catch was predominantly sardines, tiny silver fish that shimmered en masse. The gillnetters hauled in their net filled with these tiny treasures, creating a dazzling spectacle as the fish glinted in the sunlight. It was a bountiful harvest, a testament to their skill and knowledge of the sea.

The sun was climbing higher in the sky when I decided it was time to leave. The fishermen, both cast net and gillnet, were still at it, their figures dwarfed by the vastness of the sea. As I walked away, I carried with me the images of their resilience, their skill, and their unwavering connection to the ocean. They were the true masters of Cabanaroan Beach, their presence a testament to the enduring spirit of the Filipino fisherman.





That concludes my article for "Weekend Experiences* by @galenkp. I hope you find it informative and engaging. Feel free to share your thoughts or questions in the comments below. In the meantime, I encourage you to take some time to relax and recharge over the weekend. Enjoy a well-deserved break!



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My apologies and clarification. I only use it to improve my grammar whereas the thoughts and ideas in creating this article are from my OWN thinking. By the way, I tried to access the link you attached in your comment but sadly I wasn't able to browse it.🤔