WEEK 166. Life in the face of death

Images of my property I don't know what death is like, but I want to believe it's something like this heaven.

Weekend-Engagement writing topics: WEEK 166 Excellent topics for a weekend. A question that many of us ask ourselves, death, but what is it, after life, nobody knows?I invite you to participate in the proposals made by @galenkp.


Death, absolutely no one is prepared for that, we are not prepared for the death of a family member, much less are we prepared for our own death.

However, it makes me think about how finite life is and also how limited, because we all know that the safest thing we can have in this life, and I repeat the safest thing we have is death.

Nobody assumes it, always with the subject of death, looks to the other side of his own path, it scares us to know that we are all going to die, I said it in plural, but when, yes when we are going to die, nobody knows that. It makes me reflect on my own life, when I am going to die, I don't know, and that is the dilemma.

I will quote a great writer definitely after reading his book, I could understand his greatness in this sentence that I will quote.

By William Shakespeare
To be or not to be, that is the question: whether it is nobler for the soul to bear the arrows and stones of rough Fortune or to arm itself against a sea of adversities and give them end in the encounter. To die: to sleep, nothing more.

I feel that I am not ready to die, of that I am very clear, but I consider that this phrase for me represents that conflict that will always exist of what happens in our minds, between the will of a reality of all, in my case, of my own life and my own death which I do not know when it will be.

I consider that my life and life will always be my best option to consider, until this moment of my life, until this point of my life. I think I have achieved everything or at least moderately I have managed to accomplish many things I set out, I will not lie when I say that I have achieved everything, because it is not so, I still have many things to achieve, but the most important thing if I have achieved.

In almost all my publications I always write a good wish for everyone, in fact it is part of my life since I was very young, Dedicate yourself to be happy in every second. To be happy, you just have to make your own decision.

My life has always been surrounded by many decisions that have affected me, but there is always my decision to be happy.

I have been happy despite the circumstances of life, for no one is a secret that nothing is easy, and when it is easy it is not valued or taken into account as an achievement, I am not saying that everything should be difficult, but I am saying that the things that are achieved with a great effort I value them much more.

I am happy with what I have, with my family, with my home, with my work, I love what I am, I love what I do, I enjoy helping others, without them knowing that I am helping them, I love my university and what I can contribute in my classes, that always makes me happy.

Death does not make me happy, I do not know what is after life, but today I am happy for my life.

My home, my family, my university constitutes my life.


Just dedicate yourself to be happy in every second. To be happy you just have to make your own decision.


"Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero"

“Enjoy the day and don't rely on tomorrow.”

This phrase - by the Roman poet Horace

"Constantly evolving, the world is mine."


We never know what is after death, the best thing is to live intensely loving what we do, with family, friends and good times shared, death will always be a very deep subject to touch, and it makes us feel often weak and afraid, but the best thing is to give way and let things flow.


Hi @atilioalcala

It is not an easy subject to accept, but it is there, if it is true some of us are very fearful when we talk about death, I do not consider it deep, I consider lack of information, nobody wants to die.

Have a great weekend, full of humor.


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