 3 years ago  

The day was so nice yesterday and Pura had it off, we got out and did anything other than give D and A time to check on the blockchain. Wassup dude? So cool you mentioned Signs.

(At least 30'fa king minutes just now to make this'fa king gif! I guess it's too detailed or whatever, I had to limit the time and limit it and limit it more....)

We just saw Tesla a couple months ago. They were dope! He's always flappin his arms around like he's about to fly and doing 360's on stage, retro shit. Super classic and haven't changed a bit. If you could hear it, they're performing Modern Day Cowboy, the one where the chorus goes Bang! Bang!!

Cheers Lucky.


Sounds like a cool concert.

I've done that before with trying to create a gif or a meme. After like 15 minutes you're like "why am I even doing this?" But then you've come too far to give up so you have to keep pushing forward to complete it so it wasn't all a waste lol