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RE: Christmas Already??

in Weekend Experiences11 months ago

And I will not break the tradition any time soon. I was actually planning to write and give some news over the winter break, but I decided instead to go with a two-week-long offline period (teaching D&D to my sons). I needed it to avoid the mental breakdown… Each year seems worse than the previous one… :/

Anyway, I am back to work since yesterday, catching up what happened during the last two weeks (200+ emails to read and answer, in particular…). Maybe I will finally find the time to write something in the next 3 months ;-)

By the way, good luck with the family drama. I hope this did not affect you too much (easy to write, I know…).

That's about 7 hours of travel and 4 hours of performances. Eesh.

Wow… That’s even beyond my own standards. The pictures are great by the way. Next year my son (who is learning the piano for more than 2 years now) will participate to something similar. Of course, not as big as that as we leave in a country-side place without huge facilities.

Finally, best wishes for this new year, and congrats in advance for the upcoming big event!


You're a DnD Maestro?? Always learn something new. I instantly fell in love with it in my first experience, but the group didn't wanna do it a second time so I never got to. Had one other session, new campaign some time later but that was it.

I've been watching Viva La Dirt League's DnD channel for years. Something like 200 episodes in at this point. It's my religious Thursday Evening watch.

This Christmas I got a set of DnD die with floating dragon eyes inside, even though I have no friends left to play with, and even fewer interested in the game lol. But I use them in my classes for various activities.

Anyway, DnD aside.

200+ emails to read and answer, in particular…

I feel like this has become your catch phrase haha. Always so many emails.

best wishes for this new year,

Thanks and you too! You should get an alarm clock that just screams 'RELAX!!' every morning, as a stern reminder.

In fact, I played a bit DnD when I was a teenager, I liked it a lot but then never played again. For a year, my two kids are playing "Hero Quest" (this was the present we offered them a year ago) together and they are really enjoying role-playing together. Therefore, I decided this should be a good opportunity for DnD so that we could build our family team together (@lamouthe has a lot of imagination, and so have I believe it or not :) ). This is my first experience as a dungeon master, and for now, I like it ^^

PS: the beginning of the year is a bit tough... but much better than the end of the previous one ;-)