Greetings friends Hivers and Weekend Experiences, I want to tell you a little about my last weekend. My days are always loaded with many things to do, especially when you are the mother of two girls and I have to be aware of my commitment to them, help them with school matters and maintain order at home. There are times when, like every human being, I need some time alone or a break, since I feel overloaded. Therefore, the opportunity was given to spend a different afternoon in the congregation I attend.

At first I was in charge of the welcome protocol, sitting receiving and taking note of everyone who was arriving from pastors summoned to this meeting. But since it was something intimate, it wasn't a large number of people. Then we were able to enjoy what was presented in the afternoon, the topic to be discussed for which the call was made and talk among friends.

Coffee is one of my favorite drinks and the best option to spend pleasant moments; either alone reading a book or in the company of someone. On this occasion among some colleagues, which made me think about that pleasant moment that I somehow need spaces to escape from my daily life, and do different things, things that came to mind between each sip of coffee.

The afternoon passed as night fell between chatting, laughter and a delicious snack that we were able to enjoy together.

Thinking so much about breaking the same routine has led me to take action and every weekend I will go out there to distract myself, enjoy, relax and do those things that I feel like doing at the moment; Due to economic factors, I may not do many things like travel or go to places that require finances... But putting my creative mind to enjoy a walk through a nearby park, have a picnic, enjoy nature and breathe deeply in the air pure that this provides us or simply watch a good movie at home enjoying some candy.

When we are adults, life becomes hectic, so accelerated in our work and existential commitments that we often forget to have our own time and space for relaxation, affection and self-love, because that is what this represents; When we come to see the years go by and a large part of our life has already passed us by in the same cycle or routine, we lost a large part of our youthful time in being able to know, enjoy, "live." If we were more aware of how important this is since it acts as a stimulus to our existence, this generates renewal, a revitalization of our mind and strength, since it works on memory and our spirit. Going out there or sharing an afternoon with friends is a social setting that opens spaces for laughter and being able to share our stories, as a perfect means of undoing, of draining, even a therapy, in our lives.

"Life is like a train, the important thing is not to arrive first, but to enjoy the landscape."

The photographs are of my authorship taken with my Huawei Smart 2019 POT-LX1 cell phone.
Image editing program: postermywall and Paint.
My instagram: @leomaryolivaresb

Buen dia , es mi primera vez en esta comunidad y desde que la vi, me uni pues soy amante del cafe. Es la unica bebida de la cual tengo vicio. Como bien dices, nada como un buen cafe parea pasar el tiempo, disfrutar de la lectura de un libro o en buena compañia.
Mi dia a dia tambien es duro, pues soy madre de tres hijos, dos de los cuales aun estan en edad escolar y debo velar por su salud, materias escolarees, alimentacion, etc...pero nada como tomarse un die para disfrutar de un maravilloso cafe. Saludos desde La Habana.
Good morning, it is my first time in this community and since I saw it, I joined because I am a coffee lover. It's the only drink I have a habit of. As you say, nothing like a good coffee to pass the time, enjoy reading a book or in good company.
My day to day life is also hard, since I am the mother of three children, two of whom are still of school age and I must ensure their health, school subjects, food, etc... but nothing like taking a day to enjoy a wonderful coffee. Greetings from Havana.
Coffee during Hangouts is something I wish to start adopting. And from this your experience,it seems to add some flavor to the meeting
you're always so shining!:)
so tiny cup of coffee;) we have such ones for American variant of this drink, it's bitter and black, and very strong.
you have the same?