The size of your success will be the size of your effort.”
-Francisco de Miranda-
Street market
Let's not kid ourselves. We men feel proud to have a big penis hanging down. Women feel chosen if they were given a partner with a "rifle" of good caliber. Without exaggerating, it's all about enjoying, not suffering.
As much as specialists in sexology and other related subjects would like to convince us that "size does not matter", in order to contrast this hypothesis, it is necessary to erase a centuries-old legacy that links the dimensions of sexual attributes with their capacity to provide satisfaction. As absurd as it may seem, the size in question can extend its influence to situations far removed from the bed.

Street market
The matter comes to us as an inheritance from our cave-dwelling ancestors. By instinct of natural selection, to preserve the species, it is assumed that those who preceded us took into account the size of the genitals at the time of choosing with whom to mate. In those times, everything was in plain sight, since we lacked the shamefulness that later made us hide our shame.
The question starts from the valuation we have of the size of our own member. It is an important element in achieving emotional well-being and self-esteem. If we believe we are "well-endowed" we will have more confidence in the success of our love affairs.
Then there is also the perception that others have of our dimensions. Making a good impression at first glance opens doors (even if we don't always know how to keep them open later).

Street market
It is good to clarify (for the peace of mind of many) that size has a significant subjective component. Measurements take different referents according to culture, ethnicity or regions of the planet. There are studies that classify us taking into account this diversity. One more demonstration that size does matter when even science has taken action on the matter.
The patterns that serve as a reference are important when it comes to making a judgment. At one extreme are the "micro" dimensions. Those who belong to this group will have to make more use of their imagination to make their partners happy. Then there is the group where most mortals fall into, these are the ones who are classified as average. Finally there are plus size, those who provoke the envy of those who belong to the aforementioned groups. Adult cinema has played its part in setting paradigms that can lead to frustration. I'm just telling you that this is not the rule, they are the exception that confirms it.

Street market
In the end, everyone, regardless of size, has the right to find happiness. After the first impression passes, other attributes take on more weight when it comes to balancing the scales. Then we come to the conclusion that each soldier has to fight with the weapon at his disposal, without stopping to think about the caliber. The other option would be to stay out of the battle.
In my opinion, size does matter, but it is useless to waste time looking for ways to change what we have. It is wiser to learn to take advantage of what nature has given us. And what do you think?
I love what you have written, the how and the point of view. It's exactly the same for women, to make the most of what nature has given you and to be good with yourself.
Thank you for your visit and comment 🌻
That's the big problem maybe that's why most people in the world are so unhappy we are never satisfied with what we are or what we have we always want more and more.
Human dissatisfaction has its positive side; if it weren't for it, we'd still be living in caves. But there are aspects where some go too far. Some people are so dissatisfied with their physical appearance that they retain almost nothing of what nature gave them after so many visits to the surgeon.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting.🌻
Great images - haha, I also chose the fruit and vege element. Look truth be told, not sure if I'd love my husband as much if he had a tiny pepper instead of a large zucchini.
The idea of using photos of vegetables to illustrate this post was the first thing I thought of when I decided to write about this topic.
Actually, you don't have to be very creative to do it. Traditionally, we use vegetables and fruits to indirectly refer to the sexual organs.😜
Thanks for reading and the nice comment.🌹