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RE: The best among all toys.Weekend commitment.Week-232.

in Weekend Experiences β€’ 2 months ago

"Children's games should not be sexualized..."

That's all very nice, but if a boy was caught playing Yaquis in my day, that could become the biggest disgrace to the stronger sex. πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ

Reading your post, and analyzing the Yaquis game, I find that I never stopped to think about all those skills that childish entertainment develops. That validates the thesis that the best form of learning is play.

So many colors in your photos! The one of the Yaquis was excellent, because of the light and the reflections.

We were so happy when life was just study and play πŸ˜‰πŸŒ·.

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Our royal and null third worldist macho mentality.

I used to love it when the boys would join us, it felt like they were watching us with healthy envy for taking the ball and doing the same thing we were doing.

I lit the photos a little bit πŸ˜…, a neighbor's yaquis are borrowed 🀣, and a few small lights in a half dark room have a nice effect....

I look like I have zarampion full of red pints, and now itchy, does this not end?

I laughed like crazy at a comment you made about eggs with coffee grounds....🀣🀣