Precisely because of how different our scenario may be with respect to other countries, I started the post by giving a general idea of it. For you, as for me, it is the everyday, but in other countries layoffs are a very common thing. That, which should be a strength, is something that is abused and brings bad consequences. If a worker does not fulfill his duties, it should be enough to replace him with someone more efficient. But then it happens that there is so little interest in the position that it is difficult to find a replacement. There is no choice but to continue plowing with the same oxen. I would not dare to qualify unemployment as a necessary evil, but in other societies it serves to achieve a sense of belonging, of which we crow about so much around here without many results.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting. 🌺
Our society needs a good dose of all the things you are talking about....
But I am happy that you think so.