Someone famous once said that if we spend all our time on those things which are urgent, we will never have time for the important things.
Don't get fooled by the person who shouts the loudest. It properly isn't the most important thing. Planning priorities is key".
Two of the paragraphs with which I felt the most empathy during the entire reading. I also have a very hectic professional life. I am a single mother, with a three-year-old son, three jobs, and many professions that demand a lot of effort. I travel frequently and that also implies being separated from my family. But, I really enjoy what I do and I appreciate having the joy of being able to earn a living doing what I like; In that sense, I am then doing what is urgent and important for me and my family, that it will always be to build a better future.
Thanks for your post. Very thoughtful!!! 🤗
Wow, it sounds like you do have your handfuls!
It is difficult balancing especially family life. I travel quite a lot for work and that means sometimes staying away from home and not being with the family. I always try to balance that with good family time when we are together. I work to live though not live to work - I remind myself that so that I keep to my plan as to what is really important to me.
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