
You want me to respond? Hmm, maybe I will.

Have a good weekend huh? 😉

Sure!. It would be very interesting 👏
It's more work for you really.
On weekends you must be swamped with work but a bit more relaxed.

I have a lot of posts to read on the weekend as you can imagine, but I don't have to do my real life job so yes, I'm a little more relaxed. Or course, I have a lot of stuff going on in my offline world and like to put some effort to that, but I'm generally quite relaxed on the weekends. I've got a post about some photos I took ready for the weekend already, maybe I'll also answer a topic. We'll see.

Most particularly, my weekend has already begun.'s 04:15 Saturday morning...I should be asleep, but woke up because it was raining so hard (loudly) outside. It's nice though, had been 40C+ every day over the last week so the rain is welcome...and the cooler temperatures.

I love the rain and even more when it is expected. Uff you really should be sleeping but you still get up with the same energy.

I fell asleep finally. Thankfully.

Small pleasures of life 😍. Sleeping while it rains

Oh yeah, I agree completely.

It is unbelievable. Here the mornings and evenings are cold, or rather cool, but at this time of the day the sun is quite strong, the temperature must be 32°.

We get very hot temperatures sometimes, up to 47C here and in other patlrts if the State into the 50's. Not all of Australia is like that though and not all year of course. Mostly it's quite nice.