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RE: Rappel, an exercise in confidence

Hello! I loved reading about your experience with rappelling. It is amazing how fear can take over us and how confidence in oneself and in others is crucial to overcome those fears.

I am very happy that you have decided to face your fear of rappelling and that you have enjoyed the experience. It's impressive to see how trusting the ropes team and yourself allowed you to successfully descend that vertical wall. Control and self-confidence are important skills to face risky situations and emerge victorious.


Hello dear @litzney , that's how it is, and that experience of rappelling is carried into every area of daily life. Many times we distrust everyone, everything and ourselves. This exercise, although physical, taught me a lot about the beautiful experience of trusting. To believe that the other will do his job as it should be, to trust in the supreme creator and above all to trust in my potentials and capacities.