It's the weekend, even your low carb diet needs some time off!! Don't be such a slave driver!!!
Sorry to hear about your friend, I don't know what I'd do if I were in that shitty situation. Probably be so paranoid all the time and move away or go travelling for a few months. I hope she's not living in her own now, that'd be quite terrifying
That's what my doctors say when they see my tracking graphs, they know how hard I work at it and say I should loosen up but it's not in my nature. Besides, The condition I have has complications that come later, not in the moment, and I'm trying to delay those.
She lives alone but one of our solutions is to change that status for a while; another friend will be moving in for a bit. She has to look over her shoulder all the time though, day to day and...well, it's not nice for her. We have some plans, me and some others, and we feel confident it will help the situation but it'll take time.
Isn't amazing how easily a person can make another person's life a living hell?