Week 91 Posting topic prompts: The farewell that a teacher would not want to see... (Esp/Eng)

Saludos a todos los miembros de esta comunidad los fines de semana, desde hoy estaré formando parte de esta bella comunidad con el permiso de todos ustedes y decidi iniciar con el tema propuesto por esta semana que se titula sin... Luego de leida las instrucciones decidí tomar el tema número 3 (sin ver...) ya que se ajusta perfectamente a una situación que me ocurrio hace un par de años pero no olvido y pienso que no olvidaré...

Greetings to all the members of this community on weekends, from today I will be part of this beautiful community with the permission of all of you and I decided to start with the topic proposed for this week that is titled sin... After reading the instructions I decided to take topic number 3 (without seeing...) since it fits perfectly to a situation that happened to me a couple of years ago but I don't forget and I think I won't forget...

Soy docente de educación inicial y atiendo niños y niñas con edades comprendidas de 3 a 6 años de edad, trabajaba en una zona algo alejada de mi vivienda por lo que debia viajar a diario y tomar dos transportes para llegar a mi destino, era algo agotador por lo que estaba considerando pedir traslado a una institución mas cercana a mi residencia a partir del año escolar siguiente...

I am an initial education teacher and I attend children between the ages of 3 and 6, I worked in an area somewhat far from my home, so I had to travel daily and take two transports to reach my destination, it was exhausting so I was considering requesting a transfer to an institution closer to my residence from the following school year...


Ese año mi grupo de estudiantes era numeroso, la otra docente y yo nos dividiamos el trabajo y todo marcaba muy bien, algunos niños presentaban irregularidades en sus hogares y a medida que pasaban los días nos enterabamos de cada cosa que ocurria por cuenta de los mismos niños, un niño de 4 años aún no se adaptaba al espacio y cada vez que llegaba al colegio lloraba y pataleaba sin parar, la madre llegaba, lo metía al aula y salía a trabajar, lo calmabamos después de varias horas y pasaba el resto de la mañana bien.

That year my group of students was large, the other teacher and I divided the work and everything went very well, some children presented irregularities in their homes and as the days passed we found out about everything that happened on behalf of the same children , a 4-year-old boy still did not adapt to the space and every time he came to school he cried and kicked nonstop, the mother came, put him in the classroom and went to work, we calmed him down after several hours and he spent the rest of the tomorrow good.


Su comportamiento era un poco fuerte, con 4 años dominaba al resto de los niños y en ocasiones los golpeaba, las maestras tratabamos de manejar la situación a través de conversaciones con el niño y el mostraba entender lo que le deciamos, pero al cabo de minutos tomaba la misma actitud agresiva ante sus compañeros.

His behavior was a bit strong, at 4 years old he dominated the rest of the children and sometimes he hit them, the teachers tried to handle the situation through conversations with the child and he seemed to understand what we were saying, but after a few minutes he took the same aggressive attitude towards his companions.

Después de un par de semanas el pequeño dejo de llorar al ingresar al aula, en estas oportunidades su cara mostraba alguna molestia pero sólo se sentaba en una silla y miraba como su madre se marchaba, una vez que esto ocurria comenzaba a mostrarse agresivo ante el resto de los niños, despues de tanto corregirle el comportamiento y ver que no habia resultados, decidimos hablar con la madre, ella se mostro apatica ante lo que le planteabamos y al día siguiente el niño no asistió a las clases, esto fue así por una semana y media

After a couple of weeks the little boy stopped crying when he entered the classroom, on these occasions his face showed some annoyance but he just sat on a chair and watched his mother leave, once this happened he began to be aggressive towards him. rest of the children, after so much correcting their behavior and seeing that there were no results, we decided to talk to the mother, she was apathetic before what we proposed and the next day the child did not attend classes, this was so for a week and a half


Decidimos acercarnos a su hogar, el niño salio a abrazarnos y demostro alegría al vernos, estaba con su hermano mayor y con su tio, la señora estaba trabajando, dejamos dicho a la señora que llevara al niño a la escuela...

We decided to approach his home, the boy came out to hug us and was happy to see us, he was with his older brother and his uncle, the lady was working, we told the lady to take the child to school...

Iniciando la semana siguiente la señora se acerca con el niño y todo marchaba muy bien, casi al finalizar la primera hora de actividades, tuvo un conflicto con una niña por un juguete, a lo que reacciono empujandola al piso y le dio patadas , lo tuvimos que agarrar, la niña quedo adolorida, no podiamos permitir que esto ocurriera y lo aislamos del resto del grupo el niño lloraba y decia groserias, le hablamos a un tono de voz mas alto indicandole que hasta que se calmara debia hablar con nosotras, luego de unos minutos el se calmo conversamos con el y al parecer todo se soluciono.

Starting the following week, the lady came over with the child and everything was going very well, almost at the end of the first hour of activities, she had a conflict with a girl over a toy, to which she reacted by pushing her to the floor and kicking her, we had it to grab, the girl was sore, we could not allow this to happen and we isolated him from the rest of the group the boy cried and said rude things, we spoke to him in a higher tone of voice indicating that until he calmed down he should talk to us, after a few minutes he calmed down we talked with him and apparently everything was solved.

Al ir su hermano mayor a buscarlo, nos despedimos de el sin comentarle al hermano lo ocurrido, el niño volteo la cara y nos dijo Hasta nunca!!!, y nosotras le rectificamos hasta mañana...!!!

When his older brother went to look for him, we said goodbye to him without telling his brother what had happened, the boy turned his face and told us Goodbye!!!, and we corrected him until tomorrow...!!!

El niño sabia lo que nos decía... su hermano estaba metido en problemas y llegando a su casa de la escuela, tanto el como su hermano fueron acribillados por unos delincuentes, nosotras escuchamos unos disparos a cierta distancia y decidimos esperar un poco para salir de la escuela, cuando caminamos lo reglamentario nos enteramos de lo ocurrido, yo no lo podía creer... Al pasar por la casa del niño lo vimos alli lanzado en el piso con su ropa de escuela al lado de su hermano, esa imagen no sale de mi mente, jamas debi verlo así, tan pequeño y le arrebataron la vida, jamas olvido sus últimas palabras hacia nosotras cuando nos dijo Hasta nunca!!!

The boy knew what he was telling us... his brother was in trouble and coming home from school, both he and his brother were shot by criminals, we heard some shots from a distance and decided to wait a bit to get out. from school, when we walked through the regulations we found out what had happened, I couldn't believe it... When we passed by the boy's house we saw him there thrown on the floor with his school clothes next to his brother, that image was not comes out of my mind, I should never have seen him like this, so small and they took his life, I never forget his last words to us when he said Goodbye!!!

Esta experiencia de vida me hizo sentir mal por mucho tiempo, ya que recordaba como el niño se despidio de nosotras molesto por haberlo corregido, el año escolar siguiente me dieron el cambio que habia solicitado, no tanto por ayudarme a mi ubicación mas cercana a mi hogar sino por la zona de alto riesgo donde laboraba, para salir de esa comunidad se debia pasar por sitios peligrosos y la zona educativa regional considero este aspecto para proceder con mi solicitud, muchas veces veo niños llorando o alterados por algún comportamiento que le corriga en el aula y me llega a la mente aquel niño.

This life experience made me feel bad for a long time, since I remembered how the boy said goodbye to us upset for having corrected him, the following school year they gave me the change I had requested, not so much for helping me to my location closest to me home but because of the high-risk area where I worked, to leave that community you had to go through dangerous places and the regional educational area considered this aspect to proceed with my application, many times I see children crying or upset by some behavior that corrects them in the classroom and that child comes to mind.
Las fotografías utilizadas son de mi álbum personal
The photographs used are from my personal album


Hi @loren0110

I'm so truly sorry this happened and you saw that little boy like that, it is a terribly sad thing.

Thank you for supporting the #weekend-engagement posting topics concept WE91


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Son experiencias que nunca se olvidan amiga, y de esto se trata la vida de aprender de lo vivido saludos ...

True! Try to have a good day @loren0110

Being with children can be so great and nice most especially when you are with those ones who are so much happy to have you around.

Hola amigo, el compartir con niños te brinda la posibilidad de siempre estar alegre, y tratar de recordar los momentos bonitos es lo que te hace ver el sentido de la vida ...

What a sad story and terrible memory to carry. Thaks for joining in this week.

Son experiencias que te hacen ver la vida de un modo diferente... Pero si eso me marco mucho , gracias por la bienvenida saludos ...

I'm sorry, I don't read Spanish.

They are experiences that make you see life in a different way... But if that marked me a lot, thanks for the welcome greetings...

They are experiences that make you see life in a different way... But if that marked me a lot, thanks for the welcome greetings...

Yes indeed, experiences like that can stay with a person for life. It's such a tragic story really, although one that's repeated around the world all too often.