A Useless But Marvelous Hobby That I Had

Marble-ous even. As a pre- high school kid, I used to collect rare stones. Minerals. Semi-precious gems and the like. Not for lack of interest in the quite completely precious variety but out of...realism. There were not many precious stones to be found on your regular walk.

One of the more common and still...quite addictive materials to touch and use in your play...or sculptures, or other masterpieces, architectural for example...whichever comes first...was...is...marble.

I stumbled upon a "mother load" a few weeks back and then I thought of my old hobby.

Fortunately, now that I am into photography, the pure physical state of any material thing to me is the Photographed State and I do not need to drag bags of stones home from each trip my parents or grandparents take me to.

Oh, wait, those times are over, anyway. Or...are they?

Although...ask my wife, I still do drag some stones home from holidays. I spend long minutes on the beach (now it's come down to long minutes, eh?) looking for pebbles that would fit my new collection nicely.

I still have loads of the stones that I drag from one home to another, one rented apartment to another, one town to another...I am just not willing to part with them. I wouldn't have gathered them in the first place, were i not planning to someday do a marvelous marble-ous masterpiece with those.

Marble is old love. It's marvelous in sculptures, indeed, in fountains, etc. But I also liked it in building material pieces...or left-overs around building sites that I would loot while on a vacation in a nice mountain town...with lots of marble used in its sidewalks around the great boulevard, in its fences, everywhere! Well, almost.

Once back home, I would use it at our small sandbox to build "sewers" for my plastic Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to inhabit. Year after year.

They looked grateful and happy and that was all that mattered!

Marbles to you all!




I, too, still bring home pretty stones :-)
I think there's something really... haha, grounding in holding a stone in your palm and twirling it between your fingers.

Also, they are good to draw on. Very pretty stuff comes out :-)

And many other thing! Don't forget the pointy hat trick ;)

I can't forget it because I can't think of it.
What's the pointy hat trick you're talking about? o.O

Ah, but not telling you is the point and that's the trick.

Oh, no! Tricked again! 😂

I used to collect rocks and stones too! 😊 Quartz-rocks were all over the place and I loved hunting for them.

Now I still collect rocks, but of the more precious variety. And in their raw, rough form, not polished!

to the fellow rock collector! Rocks rock!

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Remember Hank in breaking bad had the same hobby. Collected rare stones.

 3 years ago  

Stones are a good hobby, I know that I’ve collected a few here and there that look cool but not too many as it does get quite heavy lol. Marble is indeed a pretty cool one if you can find it! We have a lot of granite around here so those end up being cool and sparkly.

Also, no Stone Age without stones and if it wasn't for the Bedrock civilization...