Oh, I've been looking for that natural condition that you shared. My attempts are not that...exemplary of it. Anyway. No time now but I shall try and post some photo on the topic these days...I hope.
Oh, I've been looking for that natural condition that you shared. My attempts are not that...exemplary of it. Anyway. No time now but I shall try and post some photo on the topic these days...I hope.
I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with. ✅
I shall call this one...
Natural Selection
Nature selected to leave no trees on this slope. Only a single fir (or something something pine) decided it should move before the lava reached it. Still hiding. Imagine the memories it keeps of the event. A single survivor of a catastrophe. The Robinson Tree. It Is A Legend.
Mount Teide, Tenerife Island, somewhere off the coasts of Africa and into the Atlantic, Otherwise, Spanish, but not the inquisition.
This is cool...The tenacity a thing has shown in the face of great adversity to thrive. Nature can be brutal and beautiful in equal measure.