Hello, Dear Hivers! | Hola, Queridos Hivers!
I finally watched Spider-man: No Way Home and I LOVED IT!
It was a casual Saturday... Me and my mom were talking about how little I go out with friends to have fun, and she suddenly told me to plan to go out with some of them.
I texted a friend I met at the singing competition to see if he had watched Spider-man, so we could go together. Fortunately, he was just about to go, so he invited me, and I couldn't have been more happy!!
I didn't go to the movies since I watched "Avengers: Endgame". Just imagine. And a lot of things have changed.
For example: Before the pandemic, you used to buy your ticket, and choose your sit after you got inside the movie theater. Now, when you buy your ticket, they show you a paper with the available sits for you to choose one. Because of all the pandemic thing, some sits can't be used, due to the social distancing.
I felt like a whole grown up paying my entry and the popcorns lol.
Anyhow, the movie was just fantastic!! It was better than I expected. Some parts almost made me cry, but fortunately I didn't hehe. The point is that it was a rollercoaster of emotions. I really recommend it. My favorite movie until now.