Greetings friends of Weekendexperiences!
I hope you enjoyed a wonderful weekend, almost finishing this Sunday I want to make my Participation for the weekend commitments, my chosen topic is the following:
Take us on a tour of your mind: Describe and explain one fear, one hope, one ambition, one failure, one love and one hate. Use your own photos.
Going through the mind of any person is not easy, but we can do it through our opinions, this is why I have decided to choose this topic, and tell you a little about what goes through my mind, like all human beings I have fears, I feel love, hope and why not, I also feel hate, here I tell you a little about what my mind hides:
We will start with fears. One of the biggest fears I have always had is towards snakes, these animals scare me a lot, so much so that since I was a child I remember having nightmares about this animal, just thinking about being bitten by a snake gives me chills.
I have been able to see and touch snakes and for me it is a rather unpleasant experience, one time I was at my parents' house and I don't remember who noticed but there was a huge snake, its fur was beautiful I can't deny it, these animals are fascinating, but that doesn't take away the fear I feel towards them.
All the neighbors began to gather at the site because it was a large snake, they called the firefighters and after a few minutes they went to rescue it, perhaps it had escaped from someone who had it as a pet, because I do not think that a snake of this type is from the area since it is a fairly civilized area, I remember having nightmares that night because I spent a long time watching it, I am very afraid to imagine myself sitting in a place and suddenly an animal like this appears, I think I would die on the spot, ha ha
Now I will tell you a little about my hopes, I think my greatest hope is that I always or at least almost always keep that hope that everything will turn out well, I always try to be optimistic and to have expectations of what will happen day to day in my life, even if things go wrong, even if they don't turn out the way I expect, I always keep that hope that if I try again or do new things I will achieve it, sometimes this thought is a little annoying especially when things don't turn out the way you expect but I can't help but feel that little thread of hope.
Wow now it's the turn of ambition, my greatest ambition is partly something similar to the one we all have and it is of course to have a lot of money, but within all that money my greatest ambition is to have a mansion, an exaggeratedly large house, in a place far away from everything that bothers me, that is surrounded by a lot of nature, but in it I can have all the possible luxuries, like cars of all kinds and being able to have many animals, especially felines, I love cats and felines of all species, I have always dreamed of that and this becomes one of my greatest ambitions.
My failure is that I still don't have the mansion, ha ha, well really one of the biggest failures that goes through my mind and that I've actually had in my life, is that I haven't managed to get along with any man, I've had relationships, the longest lasted 12 years and we simply couldn't get along so the best thing was to break up, I think maybe I'm too demanding the truth is that I've learned to enjoy my solitude in the sentimental realm
Now it's love's turn, the only good thing that has been born from those failures is what love represents to me and this place is occupied by my three treasures, and that is that the greatest love of my life is my children, I believe that what is most important to me are them and many times I even put my life aside to make theirs worthwhile, every day I fight for them to study and achieve a successful future, despite the fact that I already have two adult children, I still continue fighting so that they can be better people and have a much better life than the one I have led.
Wow, there are so many things that go through our minds and that we maybe hide. I can tell you that this is part of what I love about these topics in this community and it is that we can express what we keep inside. Now it is time to talk about hate. I think that all of us in our lives feel hate towards something or someone. Of course, I have many hatreds and there is one that goes through my mind and that I have felt since I was a child.
This feeling of hate is towards infidelity. It is so difficult for me to think that if a person starts a serious relationship, they cannot maintain that fidelity and even see the fact of being unfaithful to that other person as funny. Maybe that is why I have had so many failures, but I do not tolerate being unfaithful and I do not like being unfaithful either. I remember that as a child I went out with my father and my sisters and it bothered me a lot when I saw my father courting other women. I rarely told my mother so as not to make her feel bad, but I did tell my father every time I had the chance.
My parents ❤️
The photos shared here are my property taken with my iPhone 11 phone, for English translation use Google Translate
Sending Ecency votes!

I am also afraid of snakes, very afraid.
There is a lot of sincerity in your writing and I love your photos, especially the first one, as soon as I saw it I knew I couldn't pass up this post.
Thank you very much, you are very kind 🥰💖