A weekend without a phone

I just wonder how am going to survive spending a weekend without a phone and the worst path of it is that I am in a strange land. A place where my family and friends are not with me.
Not that I don't have a phone but the phone is down and there is no electricity. The funny thing is that I am a corper posted there, the only place I can charge my phone is a bet king shop but their generator is bad. That is not enough I am broke, so I can not charge with money either. God, how am I going to cope I wonder?
No phone to keep me company and I also don't have a laptop. In my lodge, we are five corners, and this weekend everybody is busy. I have nothing to do so I just decided to be in my room bored. Then I decided to prepare my lesson two weeks ahead of time. I finish with it I look around if can find anything that can keep me busy nothing. I went to my bed lying down, looking up at the ceiling. As I am lying down a thought struck me. I stood up. I started dancing to an imaginary song. Then I decided to go and disturb my lodge mate. I start with signing off tone, then dancing alongside. They just wonder what is wrong with me. I told them I am bored. I told them to join me but just laugh that they prefer to watch me. From my dancing, they began to discuss how they were bored when we school and how they overcame it. I join in the discussion from there we got into another discussion. When I decided to check my time, it is already 3 pm.
One of the corper is passing out very soon. So, another corper suggests that we should go to the other local government where the other corpers are posted if their living conditions are better than ours. We agreed and starts the journey on foot. The place was very far from our lodge. Getting there we discovered that our lodge is better than theirs. Then we return to our lodge also on foot. Everyone was tired when we got back. I, on the other hand, was tired and happy because I was able to survive the weekend without a phone.


you don't think you're going to make it. But if you can spend a weekend without technology.... Try