I breathe, I live, and I let flow: WEEK 197

Greetings Hivers. Today I join the Weekend-Engagement: Week 197, choosing the topic about:

Do you prefer to plan aspects of your life or let it happen and go with the flow? Remember to use your own photos.

Some time ago, I was one of those people who planned every aspect of my life, almost hour by hour of every activity, which was wearing me out, and not only me but also my family, because for everything to go according to plan, it depended on many external circumstances that I did not control, and here is the detail, we can not control what does not depend on us, but on external conditions such as traffic, the mood of others, professionalism, prudence, government, being so strict with each plan was exhausting me a lot and being very unhappy.

I became very anxious, depressed, I was in total decline, the nerves were controlling my life. That I was always catalogued by my friends and family as the one that everything went well, birthday parties, trips, my daughter's education, work, besides wearing me out, I was robbing myself of life opportunities, and ceasing to be more human, missing out on the failures, falls, that make us reborn, renew ourselves, since everything was perfect, there was nothing to accommodate or repair, but my days were going in an exhausting routine, like a robot with commands, that everything had to be to the letter under a guide of instructions.

When I realized that I started to feel alone, my daughter and my husband looked at me as if they were afraid of making a mistake because they were going off plan.


Until I had an episode in my life that made me change, after a traffic accident where my family and I almost lost our lives, I woke up to a new way of life, it was as if I had been given a jolt, and appreciate every moment of my life, where I did not demand so much of myself and my family, to trust more, and in the process to let everything flow, from here on I began as a magnet to attract people, activities like yoga, that made me open my mind, my ideas, where I had to let everything flow and trust more, that if something is not given we have to leave it that way because changing the natural flow of something can do us much harm, and in this way.

I began to have more calm in my life, and to trust, that if something happens I have the tools to solve it, that no one will punish me because I go out more.

And so we must make friends, let everything happen, trust, and the one who is here is because he has to be and the one who is not here must be let go.


All content is authored by me.
Pictures taken with my Redmi 11 Note Pro
Separator and image edited in Canva
Translated with Deepl



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