Eww!! tastes awful

in Weekend Experiences4 months ago

Hello!! Again I'm here answering a topic proposed by Galen for this weekend engagement.

What is the one food you hate but were made to eat as child?

As soon as I read the question an unpleasant memory invaded my mind and my stomach 🤮😂.

When I was a little girl, I was a very thin child. In fact, I still am...the skinny part, not so much the little girl part 😜.
Erroneously, sometimes, thinness is seen as a symptom of illness. And for my mother and maternal grandparents, with whom I lived at the time, it was a problem to be eradicated.


I don't remember being sickly growing up, and by all accounts my close relatives don't say I was. So my thinness must have been a genetic issue. I was a very active child, everyone remembers that, and apparently that was the problem. Despite my activity, I wasn't eating enough to replenish the calories I was expending, so my mother worked hard to increase my appetite at all costs.


Every morning (as a satanic ritual 😆) I had to eat a raw egg with honey. I remember that mixture with such distaste that just thinking about it turns my stomach. It was like that for years, so much suffering for nothing. I remained active, not too sickly and very thin!!!!! 🤣


I don't know from which recipe book my mother got that mixture to stimulate the appetite. At that time there was no Google to look for magic recipes and I imagine they were remedies that were passed down through the generations. The truth is that without knowing it my mom helped me with that concoction, not exactly achieving its purpose of adding a few pounds to my body 😁, but to keep me a little healthier. Luckily none of the eggs I ate raw were contaminated with salmonella....and there were a lot of them!!!!

Unfortunately my current thinness does have an underlying disease, I am celiac, so my consumption of wheat flour in any form is...zero. I'm not as healthy, nor as active anymore, but I sure do eat a healthy diet (out of necessity 🤭). Sometimes I long for a good pizza, or some good spaghetti and especially... some delicious bread 😋.

All rights reserved on the text and images, which are of my authorship unless otherwise indicated. I use DeepL for translation because my English is very bad 🤭.


I remember when I was a kid, some of my friends, their mother would give them raw egg yolk with coffee. I always liked eating eggs (as a child only the yolk) but raw and with coffee seemed disgusting to me. 😀😀😀

I love eggs and I love coffee too, but mixed?? Ewww!! 😂🤣

I'm sure you drank that awful mixture for the last time... no! you gave it to your daughter... hahahahahaha.... Amanda did you throw that egg away? Look there are no eggs and when they appear they are worth 3200 cup. 😂🤣

Amanda, I even took the photos with distaste 😆. Olivia doesn't even like honey, can you imagine her drinking that mixture? 😖

Amanda did you throw that egg away?

You're crazy!!!! Noo, I used it to make waffles 😂

That mixture must have been .... for god's sake I can imagine it and it's disgusting. She was also very thin and ate very little but she was healthy. You're celiac now.... you can still be fine, I know.

The mix even looks nice with its yellow colors...the problem is the taste 🤣. Having a proper diet in Cuba is quite difficult, but the truth is that I have tried to do my best and I hope that the effects of this discipline will be reflected in my long-term health. Un abrazo

Do the best you can, everything will help. Hugs!

I couldn't do less than laugh and condolences for your permanent and obligatory medicine, sorry.
But I'm sure your mom did it with the best of intentions, but at least you never suffered from hemoglobin.

I would definitely never have drunk it with coffee grounds 😬.

But I'm sure your mom did it with the best of intentions...

Well...I hope so 🤔😲😂🤣

I would definitely never have drunk it with coffee grounds

Ni yo!! 🤮😆

¿Really? 😬 😬
That sounds like rat poison.

Poor kid, I already doubt a little bit about your mommy's intentions, she must have been pretty desperate...🥺.

And I am very skinny!!! 🤣🤣🤣

¡Madre mía!
Ojalá no haya sido por todo eso que tomaste ...😬😅