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RE: The best among all toys.Weekend commitment.Week-232.

in Weekend Experiences4 months ago

Ayyy how I loved playing Yaquis!!! I tried to teach my daughter, but nothing...this generation is anti-yaquis 😆😂🤣. When I was little we were playing for hours, we organized competitions between groups at school.

Of the basic, non-basic and directed toys I remember clearly. I was not of many dolls, but when they sold the "Deuda Eterna" games (Monopoly version) I spent 4 days and nights rectifying a list to be able to buy it, I was 10 years old. The store was near my house and we would go a group of boys for the rectification of the list as if it was a party....what times those 🤣. Thanks for evoking those days...especially in these days. Aunque pensándolo bien no sé cuales son peores jajajajaja. A hug, have a nice week 🤗


You are absolutely right, I had to work so hard to find a set of illustrative Yaquis for this publication that you can't even imagine.
I asked all the moms of girls in my building for a pair, and only one 18 year old girl on my staircase had this one.
Gone is the tradition.😔

I laughed imagining you at that age rectifying the queue to be able to buy the "Eternal Debt" set, I never had one, I don't think I even saw it, but my parents made one for the house, with everything included, even the cute!
It was exciting to play all of us on the table during the evenings, including some neighbors who watched over us so they could participate...what a times you made me remember...🤩

Times of us have always been tough, but the kids will always have fond memories of them.

Have a nice week too.

In spite of everything we were happy. I grew up in the countryside and was a happy child. Everybody knew everybody and the adults took care of us in the street and we could do the "cola" ourselves, it was fun. The "Deuda eterna" game were eternal 😂, but it was super fun. The Cuban always with the creative resistance 😆 didn't have one bought for the "cupón", but your mom made it for you....that's what's important!!! Por suerte la muchacha de 18 años tenía unos madre debe ser de nuestra generación 🤭 A hug

Yes, her mother is the same age as me, and she keeps them in an airtight container...otherwise they would have disappeared...🤷🏼‍♀️

At least we have some very nice anecdotes to tell..... Right? 😊

Have a great week.