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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 47: Favourite transport [answer and win hive]

On a ridiculous level I got an adult scooter so I can scoot with the kids and I must say, I love the damn thing. I can scoot for miles and probably go a bit faster than is recommended, no helmet or any of that jazz for me! Dont have a pic of me on the damn thing tho.

Here it is, Its bloody awesome although I do get some funny looks from non-Titans!

 4 years ago  

I like the black color.

I'm still trying to make use of it, the last time i used my sister's own. I ran myself to a street light pole😑😑

Hahahhaha, I can't help but laugh this out.
You ran yourself to a street light pole?
I hope you weren't ignored badly though.
Yeah the black color scooter is shiny and cool looking

 4 years ago  

Yeah. 😑 just some small scratches on my face.
Since then, i vowed not to try it again 😩

Only scratches and you doing as if you broke an arm 😏😏🙄😹
Don't mind me though, sorry about that experience

 4 years ago  

😏😏 i don't joke with my face 😊, its what makes me cool, you know 😂😂

Ouchy!!! Its easy to crash the things. I have only fallen off once when I hit a big bump and it stopped dead but I didn't! :OD

 4 years ago  

That hurts. Then i was moving with full speed, i could not control myself.

Ye gods Boomy! That's a very nice looking scooter. Methinks not for the non-Titan's of society...Or, if they happened to find themselves on one, they would need a helmet...Titans of course...Not. Titans would never lower themselves to wear a helmet preferring to crack the noggin on the pavement...Titan-style.


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I really do want a scooter, I always have. This looks so cool.

 4 years ago  

On a ridiculous level, I think adult scooter and micro scooter are two completely different things and mixing the two up could touch a sensitive area.

If you upgrade to transformer wheels and kick rocks with these shoes, one 30 second clip and you'll be famous like that Jenner gal dude.