5 Quirks || 5 Habits


You won't believe how long I've been staring at my keyboard thinking of all my weirdness and annoying things I do both consciously and unconsciously. Even by the end of this post, I still wouldn't be able write all my personality quirks and strange habits.

I guess I'm a very strange person... Too strange actually.

Well, I'll like to use a quote I came across to hold myself from thinking too hard on myself... I may be too strange but it's fine.

"I think everybody's weird. We should all celebrate our individuality and not be embarrassed or ashamed of it."
By Johnny Depp

So when you start reading about my quirks and habits, don't look at me as a very strange weirdo... We're all weirdos in our own ways 😂

My Five Personality Quirks

Eating all of one type of food before moving on to the next item on the plate.

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I don't know if any other person does this but I have this notion of keeping the best part of my meal for the last. Even when I eat with people, I get a bit upset when they start eating the part I would have loved to keep for later.

Even taking tea, I tend to finish my bread before I finish my tea 😂 Eating rice and stew, I keep my meat for my last chew to keep the sweetness in my mouth. I kinda do this unconsciously a lot of times and I don't think I'm stopping it anytime soon... Yeah, I'm a weirdo 😌

Bites lower lip when thinking or trying to remember something

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Not only when I'm thinking or trying to remember something, sometimes I just fold my lips in my mouth and bite it but not too hard because I hate pains 😂

When I'm in a daze or feeling moody, I find myself biting my lips too. And this quirky habit of mine makes my face looks ugly but I don't care... It's not like it's my permanent face after all.

I remember making that face just to make someone dislike me sometime ago 😂 Yes, I'm that weird.

Makes assumptions about others' motives

I do this a lot, like a lot of conversations I have with people, I find myself getting conclusions from what they meant by what they said. I think this is the most annoying personality quirks I have because a lot of times, I give wrong assumptions and the persons get angry at me.

I have plans on stopping this act of mine but yet to see it come to an end though. I'll just keep trying but for now, I can still give a conclusion to whatever is said without thinking much... It may be right like it had been some time in the past.

Talks very fast

I can't count myself as one of those who talk a lot because I try my best to talk less and listen more. But when I do open my mouth to talk, I talk really fast.

Although I've seen people who talk way faster than me but I know for sure I'm not close to the category of people who talk slowly. I guess it's because of the quiet side of me, I just want to talk fast and go back to being quiet and listen.

Well, this act of mine makes some persons not hear what I say or make me repeat what I said, and I hate repeating myself 😩 but how do I stop them from making me repeat myself when I can't stop talking fast... So I just learn how to repeat the ones I feel like repeating.

Leans on things when standing up

I am a lazy lady, very lazy 😂 I'm slim and don't have much weight but honestly I easily get tired of carrying myself whenever I'm to stand and wait for something or talk about something

I sometimes imagine what I'd do if I were fat 🙄

Sometimes I unconsciously find a place to lean on when I'm to stand, because I feel my legs shaking once I've stood for some minutes. It makes me seem not serious to whoever I'm standing to talk with but I don't really care, I just want to be stress free.

My Five Strange Habits

"You say freak, I say unique"
Christian Baloga

Cracking Joints (Knuckles, Neck and Back)

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I learnt this habit from a friend of mine, and at first I pitied her for punishing her body that way. After I tried it once, I felt some kind of relieve from doing it and automatically it became an habit.

I crack my joints a lot of times that they don't need cracks sometimes and I have to find someone else's joints to crack 😂 even mere shaking hands with my friends, I try to crack their hands joints so maybe you might want to be careful when you have hand shake with me.

Pulling Out Eyelashes/Eyebrows

I don't think I have much to say about this, I just love to touch my eye lashes and brows and by so doing, I pull them out for fun I guess.

Sometimes it's painful and I feel sad that my lashes are short or not much but I can't stop pulling them.

Stroking Your Hair All the Time

Maybe my hair is naturally dirty 😂 Almost every time, I'm stroking my hair even when I just made my hair or finished washing it.

I'll be glad to get to know about what could help stop the itching in my hair though.

My music style

I doubt if I'm the only one who does this, listening to a new song repeatedly until I get tired of it even though I know that would happen.

Right now, I'm even listening to a song I downloaded today. I've been playing the song since I downloaded it until I fell asleep and woke up to continue 😂

Tapping My Fingers to Beats

This goes along with me listening to songs especially new ones, I tend to hit on anything to produce the sounds I hear.

Maybe I should go learn how to use the drum or something so I'll make better use of this talented habit of mine.


This is my entry for The Posting Contest in the Weekend community and you're invited to participate too.

Thanks for reading!!!

First image source and edited using Canva app


You actually have some pretty resourceful strange habits. For example:

the tapping of fingers to beats.

You'd make one heck of an Orchestra conductor!

But however, I will never understand your reasons for pulling your own eyelashes!

😂 Even I don't understand why I do that, I just do it... We're forgetting something... I'm a weirdo 😂

Ok, now, you do almost all things my daughter does. So...

😂 I must say I love your daughter already

I've always wanted to be able to crack my joints, I also had a friend who did it all the time, but I never knew how to do it, lol.

Quite a set of quirky habits ;) Came here via Dreemport

It can be really relieving when you get to do it 😂
Thanks for stopping by

You are welcome. And yes, I've heard so, that's why I've always wanted to try it, hehe.

Pulling Out Eyelashes/Eyebrows.We all have different habits @merit.ahama . I have a hard time speaking slowly..... The other habits are also in a lot of people I know but the habit that surprised me was:

Just by reading it I got a boner.....I have the impression that it is something counterproductive, it must hurt....

Your article has been manually curated by dreemport

😂 It isn't hurtful or maybe I just don't feel any pain from doing so... Still trying to stop it though.
Thanks for leaving a comment behind

Lol, you have some cool ones. I used to eat like that as a kid. I was told that it was good to save the best thing on your plate for last, but it was a lie I tell you because I would almost always be too full to finish the food and then the best stuff would be left...it was a ploy by my father so he could finish it, I'm almost certain 🤣

Assumptions, yes, I'm sure that most of us are guilty of doing this from time to time.

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😂 I must say your dad is a cool guy, but you're cooler to have realized what he was trying to do.

Nice one dear, I don't know how you people do the neck cracking thing but it scares me. I feel like my neck will break so I don't even try it.

😂 I do it like it's a normal seriously, I guess my body is too flexible so nothing can happen

I want to be like you when I grow up 😂😂😂

I eat bread before tea too. Beans before plantain. If I eat my meat first, I won't eat the rest of the food.

This you?

I don't think I have much to say about this, I just love to touch my eye lashes and brows and by so doing, I pull them out for fun I guess.

Damn, serial killer stuff


You're so funny but your right though 🤪
