Welcome friends
"Do you brag and boast about your achievements? If so, why and what do you gain? Give some examples. Remember to use your own photos."Happy day to all dear friends, I am pleased to share with you my entry in the weekend challenge #209, of this great community #WEEKEND EXPERIENCES, the theme chosen by me is:
I will start by saying that everything in exaggeration is not very good and this goes from boasting to omitting things for being modest, since everything can be a virtue used in moderation, for my part I can say that I do not like to boast at all anything and today beyond a virtue I see it as a defect that I must work, A long time ago I let many define me by what I studied years ago and it is not something I am ashamed of, I love what I studied and practiced at the time, however life does not always go as planned and today I am in a distant country, I started from scratch because here practicing my profession is not possible and do not misunderstand me, it is not something I regret because for me the most intelligent person is not the one with the highest IQ but the one who is able to reinvent himself and rediscover himself after the inevitable changes of life, Yesterday I was looking back and realized how much I have changed in the last 3 years (the same amount of time since I became a mother) before I was not able to write anything that resembled a post I felt it was not my thing, it's been 3 years in hive, years ago I would not have imagined to find the passion for a profession and learn them and today almost a year after I started training to be a manicurist and beautician to start my own business and if something I regret is not to boast my achievements because they have been enough throughout my life,
so personally I don't see anything wrong with showing off your achievements, making yourself known is the best publicity that can start for one and of course an excellent job that speaks for itself, I still work on what I consider my defect which is to be overly modest and not to talk about my achievements, so that is the new goal to work on my person, will I be in error in thinking so currently? I don't know... It is something that I will discover with the passing of time since only this allows us to know about our decisions whether they are right or wrong, what is certain is that from both situations one can learn great lessons and that is what life is all about: to succeed, to err and to learn.
✨✨See you next time ✨✨
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🇪🇸Traducido con DeepL
The thing about boasting of one's achievements is a two-way thing. While one might be in a bid to put in an appearance and shade others, the other might just be a way to document what has happened and/or even do some publicity. It's just controversial.
Meanwhile, may I ask what it is that you studied that you got defined by?
Indeed there is a fine line between bragging and some publicity, In my home country lawyer and in the country where I currently reside manicurist and beautician totally different things but all fill me with pride there is nothing to be ashamed, thank you very much for taking the time to read and respond, sorry for my delay in responding have a nice weekend.