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RE: Temple of the Golden Pavilion

I need to go back to Osaka. We explored a lot because Cameron was eager to speak his Japanese, I spent the day with the deers in Nara. I learned that deers do hold grudges. There were two deers fighting in the street (I caught it on camera) and a crowd gathered...I don't know what happened if a man tried to part the fight, but at the end of the fight, one of the deers hunted down a man and would not stop bucking him up the backside 🤣... I've been skeptical about deers ever since.

Strange heh! That he started on steemit... his face looks so familiar.🤣


The bowing deers of Nara, haven’t seen those either, a trip around Japan is needed. I know I would not be the one parting that deer fight lol. Animal instincts, lol I’d love to see that video.

Yeah, trust me though, things have changed a lot since steemit days. I don’t blame anyone for leaving 2017-2018, it was really hard to earn unless you knew people or entered the thing really balanced and anyone can earn as long as heur making quality.