that's another language where some words look alike but have totally different meanings.
Most foreign languages feel like that.
Learning language when you are 25 and learning language as a baby are totally different things. The language is formed naturally in the brain but along with it all kinds of other stuff. If you mix your native language with another language the baby will be confused. When our kids were learning English and Korean at the same time my wife spoke only Korean and I spoke only English in front of the kids. They were not learning foreign languages. They were learning Dad's language and Mom's language.
A baby should learn from play by touching things and tasting them. A baby should never feel some kind of study pressure but naturally immerse in the language. The consequences of associating some stress with learning the language will later cause the child to avoid studying the language in the future.
Be creative and make a plan with the family how to best approach language acquisition. Discuss what goals you have and why. Then the best way to help your child will become obvious.