I don't remember the show, as I didn't really listen to the radio much.
But I do know Mario Rosenstock! How funny that he called you a crafty bugger.
I remember him dressed up as Angela Merkel stroking her cat LOL.
Can't recall the name of that show...
Anyway, that was one hell of a story, YA LUCKY BASTARD YA! (as they would say in the region where I used to live hehe, in case you have to ask again: First Roscommon for 6 years, then Mayo for 4, yeah, I know...the weirdest places to end up in).
A kiwi...hahaha, yeah, that wouldn't have been the first thing to come to my mind either. Or a plum. LOL. I know most Irish kiddos still get an apple, an orange, or a banana for lunch to school...so yeah, one of those would have been the most plausible. And eating an orange in the car makes a mess...so, that one's out too.
Thanks for sharing and thanks for the laugh.
Now, GO, tell us 300 jokes...
Oh no! You got me!
I've been secretly stalking you all these years, just to
see if that beemer didn't make you miserable for whatever reason haha.
If you ever felt like someone was lurking around the corner,
catching a glimpse of you driving off into the sunset off the coast
of Wicklow, then your gut feelings would have been right.
That was me! All the while conniving, thinking of my next move.
Would I be following you to Tesco? Or Ikea even?
Maybe an 'accidental' run in on my way to work?
These past 10 years or so have been tough.
Every night I cried myself to sleep.
Every night!
If only I would have said 2,500! How stupid! That beauty of a car
was mine for the taking! And instead, you had it all!
While I only had my pillow, a Mario Rosenstock poster as a cruel reminder, and my 27 cats...
It's just NOT fair at all!