High School Alumni Homecoming: A Weekend Event

in Weekend Experiences11 months ago (edited)

Last Saturday, our high school Alma Mater, Matiao National High School, celebrated its 51st Founding Anniversary here in Mati City, Davao Oriental. It is our tradition, that our batch mates gather to catch up and have some fun.

Just like every year, we reminisced about our experiences from 21 years ago. It was a great opportunity to reconnect and relive some of our shared memories. Also, we saw our mentors and other batches.

As to the food preparation, our batch had just a few on the table. Only a few bring food that they can share. Unlike the previous year, we had someone who sponsored our food. Now, since we have a little time to prepare and everyone seems busy I suggested that we will just bring food to share. At the time of the event, we were surrounded by batches with much on their table so we just asked them and gladly they also shared.

As you can see in our photos, we were just a few. Some of the reasons why some of our batchmates would not come are that they feel shy because they cannot bring anything, or maybe because they feel inferior because they did not accomplish anything big or they just don't feel like coming. But, the main aim of alumni homecoming is for reunion and continuing the friendships together not to compare and brag. So, in my case even in my busy schedule, I tried to be always present and share what I could bring.

There were only a few events prepared by the host batch, we had a shirt competition and a raffle of some items.

4 years from now, we will be the host of the Homecoming and hopefully, we can plan out activities that the alumni would look forward to. I am hoping that everyone finds time to participate.

How about you? Are you also joining alumni homecoming activities? I would be very happy to read your comments about your alumni homecoming experiences. Thanks for reading!


Well, alumni are not meant to make someone feel inferior, if they weren't there that must not be the reason...

Congratulations, you received an ecency upvote through the curator @ahmedhayat. Keep spreading love through ecency

Thanks for your thoughts @ahmedhayat. Thanks for the ecency upvote too, I am inspired to write more through ecency.