Snowy weekend with dogs

This weekend we were in luck that temperatures didn't go up again (as they will in the next days), so we had some snow left to play with. This was specially great for my dog, Teddy, who loves snow so much (he is a Samoyed). This weekend was also very special because it was his first time meeting Tessa, my friend's golden retriever. I was a bit skeptical, because she is still a puppy (6 months old) and also Teddy is not other dog's favorite, probably because of his big appearance and personality, otherwise he is harmless.

But, to my surprise, it went more than well. She was a bit reserved at the start, maybe even scared (having big unknown annoying male dog going around her, I don't blame her), but she soon realized that he is very harmless and playful. And her, being a pup herself, she wanted to play a lot. Even though Teddy is 10, he still acts as a puppy a lot, and it was good for him to finally have someone to follow him (his other dog friends are older and not so playful as he is).


Also, we went for a walk right away, as it was sunset time, so he had focus on the walk as well, and wasn't so annoying as he can be. Everything was perfect until I realized that my camera has no memory card. I couldn't believe it. I took it out last night to transfer photos, and forgot to put it back. And I didn't even have the bag with me where I had other memory cards. At least I noticed it in time to start taking photos with the phone, they might not be perfect, but we have some. Funny enough, my friend's phone battery was gone, so we just had one phone, luckily with almost full batter, because it goes down faster in the cold weather. And the time we had was great, so it didn't matter in the end. Going out at sunset time also gave us some beautiful views.

We are hoping we can repeat this next weekend, if there is enough snow. After walk, we went all inside to get warmer, and Teddy and Tessa were so cute. We were scared that they will be too much and run around, but they were already exhausted from the time outside that they were just cuddling a bit, and then sleeping. Teddy was also hungry, as per usual.

That's all for my weekend, hope you had a great one too.
All photos are original and taken using Samsung S20 phone.
Thank you for reading my post ^^


Congratulations, you have received support from Ecency through curator @reachdreams

Thank you 🙏

You're welcome.

Lovely dogs! And perfect light!

Thank you!

You have super cute dog! OMG! I really liked the breeding.

I got this breed as present, I didn't chose him, but didn't took long to fall in love with this breed! Thank you ^^