The Power of Self-Motivation: A Personal Journey

You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream
-CS. Lewis

Our drive to achieve comes from within, and no matter our age or circumstances, we all have the power to set new goals and chase new dreams. It's all about us and our self-motivation.


Hello, dear Hivers! Today, we are going to delve into a topic that's close to my heart,-motivation. Specifically, we are going to explore the question set by @galenkp "Do you respond better to external motivation or are you self-motivated?".

Motivation is the driving force behind our actions. It's what pushes us to overcome challenges, strive for our goals, and make our dreams a reality. But where do these motivations come from? For some, it's external, such as praises, rewards, or the fear of punishment. But for others, like me, it's internal, or self-motivated.


She is my daughter, one of my sources of strength and motivation.

So what does being self-motivated mean? It means that the drive to achieve and succeed comes from within. It is not about seeking approval or avoiding criticism. It's about personal growth, satisfaction, and the joy of accomplishing something that matters to us. Just like having my motorcycle. I set a goal to have this one and now I have it. I am satisfied, and yet, I set a new dream, having a big one.


This is my already-owned motorcycle. I built some specs that I wanted to make this little buddy a nicer one.

This is my dream bike. Yamaha R6, I got time to take a picture with it in the parking area of Bogo City Centrum.

Being self-motivated has its advantages. It means that our motivation is not dependent on others. We don't need someone else to validate our efforts or tell us we are doing a good job. We know it ourselves. It also means that we can keep pushing forward, even when things get tough because our motivation comes from within, it is not shaken by external factors.


I got a picture of this Hyperbike last evening, at Mcdonald Bogo City. This is an H2 sports bike, also my dream bike.

That's not to say that external motivation is bad. It can be a powerful tool, especially when used in conjunction with self-motivation. But for me, the strength and resilience that comes from being self-motivated is exceptional and invaluable.

So to answer the question by @galenkp, "Do I respond better to external motivation or am I self-motivated?". I can confidently say that I am self-motivated. It is a trait that has served me well throughout my journey of life, for what I am today, and for what will be my tomorrow. It helps me overcome obstacles, reach my goals, and continually strive for improvement.


My lovely wife who supported me throughout my journey now, is also my source of strength and inspiration.

I hope that sharing my experience will inspire you to look inward and find your source of motivation. Remember, it's not about what others think or expect of you. It is about what you want, what you believe in, and what you are willing to do to make it happen.

Thank you Hivers for taking the time to read my blog. Thank you Weekend Experiences Community for the privilege to post my thoughts, and thank you @galenkp for the nice weekend engagement topics. Best regards to you all.


Angas ng R6 sir

Bitaw sir..hehehhe

Your level lowered and you are now a Red Fish!@mrexperienciado, sorry to see that you have less Hive Power.

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