Filipinos are known for being hospitable. Not just heard online or watched it online. Even I as a Filipino can tell because I experienced it most of the time. But of course, let's be honest that not all are because wherever you are. A negative always contradicts a positive so let's accept that. However, maybe 9 of 10 are hospitable so let's ignore that 1 person over there.
Why am I confident to say that we are? Well, have you tried going to a festive celebration? Where every house offers food and drinks for everyone. Whether you're someone's friend or just a stranger, you will be welcome to come in and let your stomach be full and get drunk. As long as you will not be embarrassed to go inside the house since it's festive after all. That's why according to them, "if you don't want to be hungry then don't be ashamed."
Anyway, that's how we became known as hospitable because we do not just entertain our visitors but also feed them something we have. But this time one of my friends who lives in the next town. His live-in partner is also my friend or our friends and our neighbor. When the small village of his boyfriend, who is our friend, celebrates their festive. He always invited us to be there or to celebrate their festive together with us. Don't show up or ignore his invitation or you will have the consequence of being snubbed by him. We all believe that refusing an offer is an insult more especially when it's a flood.
Just like I said when there's a festive celebration you will not be hungry for 100% sure. Yeah, we ate food in their house first before we proceeded here. There were more than 10 of us there, not including the other visitors whom we didn't recognize. Their house is not that big or small and most of all they are not rich. Wait, don't misunderstand me. What I was trying to say is that even though they are not like those rich people. They offered us delicious food until we refused to eat anymore because we were so full and there were too many foods left to eat. Actually, it's not new to us because wherever we visit when there's a festive it always ends up like that.
The fun will not be started just by eating delicious food. It's just like preparation for a joyous celebration. As always, a festive will not be complete without a drunk person or so we say not letting visitors be drunk. The fun can be extremely amazing after all when one gets drunk because there will be no boundaries from the way it speaks and it acts. As long as no one will get hurt or no one will ask for a fight. A final celebration of a festive will continue until dawn until someone surrenders to drinking beer or alcohol.
To be honest, I'm not a good drinker anymore. I joined the group, exchanging conversations and having so much fun. Watching them doing stupid acts and foolish words. I drink liquors when they hand me a glass filled with but not always. I told them why and they understood me because what's important is that no one left in the group. If someone leaves, ask permission but after spending a long time with friends. That's what makes a festive more fun because of the people you'll hang out with sharing a beautiful time with.
Thank you for reading
All content is my own unless otherwise noted
If images are being recycled, I just found it fit in my article.
Paul is the name but prefers to be called mrnightmare that feels like living in the dream. A country boy and a dreamboy (dreamer) who likes to stay in a small village even though it means abandoning the future to become a seaman. The passion is writing but not sailing in the vast ocean. Don't wonder if the face will not be shown, this is better where the words can flow smoothly. Come, you can tell me your stories and I'll tell you mine. Together, let's explore the world by broadening our thoughts. If you need a shoulder I can lean you mine and I hope I can lean yours. The world is fun when living is not being alone but with someone.
OMG fiesta!!! This kind of celebration talaga anyone is invited. Not just a family a friend or a neighbors because everyone is free to barge in, charr haha. Basta, ito pa minsan mag mag aabot nalang sayo ng foodams kahit dumadaan kalang naman isn't it awesome haha. Ahhh I missed celebrating fiesta 😍🤩
So me, where I just waited for the moment of choice their English accent becomes something more than they expected haha. Yiee Happy Fiesta and seem like people really enjoyed the time, but cannot remove the phone forever behold haha.
Have a great weekend and enjoy the festivals.