A few weeks ago the notice came for the stand to be removed. The council's law is such that a structure like this, with no permit, is somehow seen as a danger to society.
What kind of fucking clown world are we living in? These bureaucrats are treating us as unattended kids or something. I follow this guy on Youtube who's restoring a sailboat and he too was asked to move out for breaking community rules because ONE neighbor complained of noise. This same person never came to the guy for a chat.
I have no idea why people resort to dobbing people in.. it's so cowardly!!! So many issues can be easily solved with a chinwag. Gutted!
And when chatting doesn't solve, we can always go for a punch in the head so strong that hair won't ever grow in that spot again. Seriously, some stuff just annoy me.
Oh yeah it pisses me off no end as well.