Week #212 - What do the words Love, Respect and Hate mean to me? 💚

in Weekend Experiences6 months ago (edited)

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Hello friends of the Weekend-Experiences community, I hope you are doing well today. Today I wanted to join to talk about one of the topics proposed by @galenkp where he asks us a super interesting question about what is the meaning of the word love, respect and hate from my point of view and that I am encouraged to answer in this post. It is a question that can only be answered by each person from their own beliefs, fears, experiences and life experiences, for me those three words have a lot of weight when it comes to demonstrate them with actions.

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Love, respect and hate...explain with examples what each of them means to you - Use your own photos.
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To talk about love, I consider that it goes beyond being a simple feeling that embraces us in the presence of our loved ones, friends or partner. Love is a complex emotion that is difficult to define with words, since its essence transcends mere verbal description. From my perspective, the meaning of love originates in childhood, where we absorb the teachings of our parents and loved ones through words of encouragement, motivation and consistent actions. It is not enough to express love verbally; it is critical to back up those words with concrete actions that truly reflect our feelings. Saying "I love you" is meaningless if our actions do not back up those words with honesty and authenticity.

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Respect stems from the values instilled in the upbringing and the understanding that everyone, regardless of status, race or age, deserves to be treated with respect simply because they are human beings. While it sounds simple in theory, the practical application of respect is often challenged. Respecting others entails leaving a positive mark on every individual we cross paths with, recognizing their humanity and dignity. Unfortunately, today we see increasing hostility and cruelty towards the elderly or those who are perceived as different, which is disturbing. It is sad to note that those who do not show respect to others expect to be respected despite their negative attitude. Respect is an essential value that is cultivated in the home and should be extended to both human beings and animals, who also deserve love and care, as they feel and suffer just as we do.

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Hate is a feeling charged with intensity that can arise at times when we feel hurt or wronged. This powerful feeling has unleashed chaos and wars in the world on a scale that is difficult to quantify. Often, people who harbor hatred in their hearts are defensive and base their lives on competition and superiority over others to try to fill the voids they feel. In today's society, hatred is unfortunately a common phenomenon, especially in contexts where religious differences exist, fueling violent conflicts that end up severely affecting the population, with devastating consequences that result in the loss of thousands of lives. Experiencing feelings of hatred often reflects an inability to properly manage emotions and a constant sense of inferiority, which often goes hand in hand with envy.

In the complex human experience, the emotions of hate, love and respect exert a profound influence. Every individual, at some point in their lives, has experienced these intense feelings towards themselves or others. It is essential to explore and thoroughly understand our emotions, learning to manage them in a constructive way to foster harmonious coexistence, without causing harm to anyone or to ourselves. Love, with its powerful motivational drive, guides us to pursue our dreams and achieve our goals. Respect, rooted in upbringing and values instilled from an early age, is the basis of our interactions with others, reflecting our consideration and recognition of their dignity and rights.On the other hand, hatred, a destructive force that can tear human beings apart, triggers conflicts and divisions that often reveal the worst in ourselves as individuals. Reflecting on these emotions invites us to explore our own nature and to seek harmony in our relationships. I appreciate the opportunity to participate in this week's theme #212, addressing questions that lead us to examine our emotions and thoughts in an ongoing process of self-reflection. I hope you liked this post and see you soon 💚

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Thanks for making it to the end of this post, I hope you liked it and I appreciate your support and your comments, I send you a big hug 🤗
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All the text in this publication is my own.

The images were edited with the free version of Canva.

The translation of the text was made with the free version of Deepl



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This is an English language community only, not dual language. This is clearly stated on the topics announcement post and the community rules.

This post will be muted until such time as the dual language is removed from text and reference to dual language is removed from the title. Once you have done so, and have let me know, I'll unmute it and vote it.

Hello! Thank you very much for the clarification, the truth is that I missed the language in Spanish as I'm used to and did not remember that in this community you can only write in English, I made the respective changes, I hope all is well now 💚
