I am saying that you are mine, but, clearly, no one belongs to anyone but himself; it's just that I feel you inside me and that's why maybe I use this phrase, which doesn't mean to bind you, because my love exists only if you keep your wings.
This morning I was sore. I got out of bed many times looking for water, a menthol cream to put on my temples and, of course, I thought of you. Sometimes I am afraid, when these episodes happen, that I will fall asleep and never wake up again. I would leave behind so many things... so many loves... and you, my sweet Loreena.
Many times, when the migraine comes, I cry. And I also talk to myself, I tell myself that I can't be a coward, that that little bird that visits me isn't, even though it's tiny and flashy. And the sky and tree branches are always enjoyable, as well as dangerous. The fact is that you can't live all the time immersed in worry and avoiding adventures for fear of danger. So that's why I talk to myself, I talk to myself a lot and in that inner conversation, I incite myself to dream... Would it relieve some of the frost on my fridge? I thought. However, I didn't go looking for those cold crystals to put on my forehead. I decided to dream of them.
This is how I saw us in a snowy landscape. We were on top of a peak, while a shy drizzle of snowflakes fell; fluff, which would soon turn the landscape into a white paradise and we could walk together up to the pines, leaving behind our footprints, so symmetrical, so smooth on that cold path that would shine just by feeling our steps.
There was a little fog too, and we heard in the distance the howl of a wolf, which we soon saw playing with its equal. They licked their snouts and rolled around in the snow.
Your hands were warm despite the cold and mine too. We laughed because when we held hands we felt the warmth that began to run through our bodies.
I've dreamed of us in that cabin too, with the roof covered with snowy frost. There in the midst of faint citrus smells, being so happy, among soft melodies of wind and strings.
There is a small glass window through which we look out to see the moose. They visit the courtyard, where cherry and tangerine trees bloom in the spring. There they look for the finest shoots and run around, in a beautiful dance of horns and bliss.
Would you like a cup of coffee?
Loreena McKennitt - Snow
Let's listen to this music, while I prepare it. I can't wait to hug you, I can't wait to hold you close to my chest, so you can hear my heartbeat when it speaks to you. I know yours will be a little accelerated, like when you walk in a hurry to get to this cabin soon, after work. Now I am immersed in your tender, blue gaze, like every sunrise, when I wake up and the dream remains in me, so vivid, so true.
It's only a dream, Loreena, my love, my true love.

Other letters to Loreena [Letters to Loreena] ❖ I choose not to know you but it's insane, and I forgive me ❖ [Letters to Loreena] ❖ Weekend memory chests ❖
Original content by @nanixxx. All rights reserved ©, 2023.
Dividers and GIFs created in Canva.
Snow is basically one flight away from Cuba :)
On the other hand, it is rare to many Spaniards either. My girlfriend enjoys every time it snows here in Prague, as it hardly happens in Madrid :) Sometimes watching her joy and the way she steps in snow just to make a footprint reminds me of my childhood, I did the same when I was a kid :))
Well, yes... just a flight on an iron bird.
And I think I would do the same as your girlfriend, I'm sure. 😍
I'm sure either, everyone does so the first five or six years ;)
Only once I enjoyed the snow, it was in 2009 in Argenitna that as an inexplicable fact it snowed in my city, I remember going out at 6 o'clock in the morning to take pictures of my snowy garden.... I went back to that moment.
Beautiful love letter, every detail, feeling, the full senses. I loved it!
How wonderful that is... a historic snowfall!
I'm glad you liked this letter, I had it tough with such good letters I've already read.
Two words, snowy and historic... that would be a souvenir from Thursday.... I'm going to go crazier than I am.🤣
You are a great writer!
I'm actually wishing for it to snow here but after Tuesday though, got a road trip to make, hehe. Im getting tired of seeing brown everywhere. I got teased yesterday just light flurries. The closest wolf population to me is about 350 miles north of me. I wouldn't be surprised if they make it down to us eventually. No moose 🫎 only up in Canada/Alaska which is too much cold and snow. I will collect some snow for you and send it packaged with dry ice, deal? 🤣
😁 hahaha... Well for the moose you pretty much know where I long to be... I'll give you a hint: the singer Loreena is Canadian, and there are moose also in far northeastern Europe and Russia. Hahaha... is this clue of any use to you? 😂
We will then wait a little while for you to make your trip, but upon your return everything should start to turn white.
Don't complicate things, it's better to send ice cream. 😅
Oh didn't know they had Moose in Northern Europe. I knew Russia did.
Haha something you don't know. I make my own homemade ice cream as well. I had dreams of opening my own ice cream shop as well.
How great! I couldn't work in an ice cream parlor because I'd turn into a snowball, of ice cream, or rather, of fatness.
😂 🤣 😂 I would probably be wearing spenders if that happened
How bad is a migraine, it's horrible, I suffer from it too. They say that ice on the forehead helps, but not for me.
Every time I have some strong stress I get this pain. It's very bad... but luckily it goes away little by little. I hope you get rid of it, for a long time.
Es tan lindo lo que escribes. Siempre has tenido muy desarrollada la imaginación,desde niña pero ahora va más allá, será tu amor tan inalcanzable. Tu sueño un día será realidad, te lo digo yo tu madre que te ama. Te deseo una bonita noche y que sueñes con tu Lorena.❤️❤️❤️
😂🤣 ay mamani, ¡qué cómica eres! No he podido aguantar la carcajada y me dolió la cabeza... creo que pronto iré a dormir.
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I think the essence of your letter is summarized in this phrase, because true love cannot be a love imprisoned behind bars imposed by daily coexistence.
Freedom is that dream where everyone is where they want to be, and if they stay there, it is because that is where they want to be.
Nothing like a beautiful melody of wind and strings to give background to those dreams that one day could come true.
I will love Loreena as much as I love you.
Well, if she existed... but it's a fiction ;)
Who knows, maybe one day that true love will come.
If it exists in your mind then it is real.
First Universal Law:
😇 true
Yay! 🤗
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Wow, @dahpilot, friend, thank you very much. You are so attentive! And of course thanks to @ecency as well. 😇
You deserve that and more , always is a pleasure to boost your post , you know I'm your fan 😅
Nah... 🤣 tú lo que quieres es el pin de Hive 😁
¡Gracias! 🤗
Nah ... está mejor en tu manos , aunque tengo que preguntarle a Manu si le queda alguno 🤔 pero aún seguiré por aquí 😉😂
Seguro que le queda... y tú, ¿estás yendo al Festival de Cine?
Aún no he podido, el viernes tengo prueba 😵 , quiero ver si puedo ir los últimos días y tú haz visto alguna? Alguna recomendación en camino? 😏
Hahaha, the frost from your fridge in the garden to use for the post, this idea is a product of genius 😉
I almost read there was a little frog too... 😂
Are you doing better with your migraine? My Miss Migraine paid me a visit, she is here with me. 🤷♀
Oh no 😱😟, te mando una colección de🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸 I hope it goes away soon 🥺.
Creo que descubrió un bache cerca de Pumístico y se teletransportó 😔
te habrán servido las frogs? 😅
Genius is better off and plans to give herself a gift tomorrow. We'll see. I'm like little kids who when they go to the beach can't sleep the night before. 🙃
No sirven ni las 💊💊💊💊💊 que he tomado 😓 (una colección de cinco pastillas...)
You will give yourself a gift? Nice
Already three letters for Loreena. This already counts as a
Clever! Has Cuba ever had snow ? lol
Yes, snow falls when I take the frost off my fridge ;) 😁