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RE: Three convictions, three strong beliefs (WEEK 233)

in Weekend Experiences3 months ago (edited)

I share all this in what you believe and I know that many will look at you with bias... I have strong evidence for every case you point out.

Clearly getting rid of the ego is very complicated and requires a lot of courage. We are surrounded by egoic people... all the time, endlessly repeating patterns. Me included.

About love, few people know how to love. Love is not suffering, not fear.

The disease... (few believe that it can be fought with right thoughts and willpower). It is easier when you are sick to just believe it. Swim in it as if you were in quicksand all the time. Examples of cures to seemingly impossible ailments abound in the world and people point to them as miracles, not realising that it is the mind that changes the course of things.

I think that getting to the point of being aware of every thought we have in the course of the day and replacing every low vibrating ones is a great start to moving into other possible dimensions.


I tell you that I was healed... many years ago, it was not something deadly but it generated pain... I went through an internal process... and everything went away. That's why I firmly believe... love... but love without judgement, how wonderful! Thank you for this comment full of love!

Bueno, sólo señalo lo que observo. Sin ánimo de juzgar porque todos tenemos nuestros propios tiempos y aprenderemos cuando toque.

Venimos a aprender.... cada quien a su momento señalado. No hay prisa... hay mucho tiempo en otros tiempos.🤗