Tienes razón en lo referente al trabajo remoto y las criptos, y mucho (todo) lo que cuentas lo vivimos en Cuba hace años y aunque hoy la situación es diferente y tenemos más libertades, es inevitable sentirnos presos. Muchas veces no por las reglas de nuestro país sino por las de los otros que no permiten que viajemos. O nos ponen trabas inmensas para obtener un visado. O simplemente te lo deniegan y ya. Yo nunca he pensado en vivir en otro lugar. Pero me está pasando últimamente como a ti.
Un abrazo
You are right about remote work and cryptos, and much (all) of what you say we lived in Cuba years ago and although today the situation is different and we have more freedoms, it is inevitable to feel imprisoned. Many times not by the rules of our country but by those of others that do not allow us to travel. Or they put immense obstacles to obtain a visa. Or they simply deny it and that's it. I have never thought about living somewhere else. But it is happening to me lately like you.
A hug
While writing my post, I was thinking of you and at some point I thought I would tag you as maybe you're the one who can fully understand what I lived as a child, but decided not to tag you :)
I think you have a bit more freedom, now, especially that there's internet and most likely you have TV programs as well. We didn't have that back then, information was blocked, censored, there was fear everywhere.
Anyway, these times make us much more stronger and teach us how to survive, isn't it?
Thanks for this comment and I'm glad you came across my post. 🤗
Well, a lot of other things have changed too, like Cubans can travel to countries visa-free. We can have our own businesses. Some business owners can import goods and even export them or commercialise them with mixed participation hotels, that is to say that they have a % of national investment and another % of foreign investment. We have made progress on family issues, we have a new Family Code. We have Internet, yes, it is bad, but we have it, and we can see whatever we want without censorship. As long as the pages open, because there are pages that don't open because they detect traffic from Cuba. We have to use VPN. I, who like trading, live in fear because as Cubans they close the exchanges and we can lose our little money. Anyway... But I tell you, there are still problems such as the fact that there is hardly any production, we have no industry, inflation is rampant, the population is ageing, young people are leaving in search of economic improvements, including skilled labour. Wages in the state sector are pitiful? There is no end to bureaucracy.... And much more. I tell you, sometimes I would like to go and live somewhere else, but I still love my country... it's complicated. I do dream of travelling and seeing the world. But what I earn barely gives me enough to eat and now I'm saving up for a laptop. I tell you, it's too complicated.
A big hug Erikah, it is a pleasure for me to read you and share here with you.
Thank you very much for this detailed explanation. It gives me a more precise picture about what is going on in Cuba. It's not good, but I still say, compared to what we had to go through before 1989, it's way better. The best thing is that there are changes, as you said. It's a process, takes time and those in power most likely are clinging to power and don't want change, but progress and change can't be stopped.
I hope you can get enough for a laptop soon. Let me know if I can help you in any way. I can lend you some Hive if that helps :)
Thank you so much, I appreciate your willingness to help me 😊 and it touches me. If I need it I will tell you, thank you. But you can look at my wallet to see that I hardly take money out and all I want to do is grow here. Rather what I do is invest. I have a Mac from 2008, which the poor thing can't take any more. But it's still alive, it limits me from doing a lot of things here on Hive, but that's the way it is. My desktop PC broke a year ago and everything is so expensive here.... But I'm not complaining, it's life. And you have to look for solutions and keep working. Besides, I really enjoy what I do.
I repeat, thank you very much. It's good to know that I can count on you. Needless to say, I'm here to help you in any way I can.
It's never easy, but consistency gets results, trust me. In any case, I'm here if you need help, let me know :)
You're welcome my dear friend and I'm glad we could connect.
Thank you!!!
How much would you need for a new laptop by the way?