What a sincere publication, my mother tongue is Spanish, and also many times I have doubted my English, and of course many times I have believed that many ideas are difficult to express in another language. I make the effort to read in English, even when I watch movies I put the subtitles in English, it helps me to practice and understand a foreign language better. When using an automatic translator I feel that something is lost, that's why I read the post many times before publishing, and I don't know if it has happened to you but this way I can edit it much better and change some ideas. Very good post, very entertaining. Best regards and as I say go ahead!
Hi, oh since I joined HIVE there is not so much time left to watch movies ;-) but this is in any case a good way to practise a language. Yes I also go through and through the translated text, sometimes it makes strange translations, although they have become quiet good meanwhile. Wich one do you use? I chose deepl
thank you for stopping by :-)
Hi. Deepl is the best translator. Google's is very imprecise.