My iPop.
Portability has changed the lives of all of us, for me the iPod is a device that has helped me to: digitize more than 11,000 songs, be able to organize them and listen to them whenever I want, wherever I want depending on the mood I'm in. As they say the iPod changed the way we listen to music.

I have a large collection of CDs, which as it was growing were more difficult to organize precisely because they occupy a physical space which was expanding more and more. Even if I organized them many times it was complicated to get quickly any song in special.
With this device I have the opportunity to organize the playlist I want with the songs I specifically want to hear and enjoy listening to them.
My Ipod is a sixth generation classic model and supports 120 Gb and can play music, audio and video. I only use it to listen to music and listen to podcasts. My tastes are eclectic going from rock to jazz, blues, classical music, latin music, electronic music and I don't care about the language.
A black point of this equipment, is that to manage its functions I must use the iTunes program, which often brings headaches by not being updated or not helping me to synchronize the songs, but I have come out unscathed from this with skill and research in books and internet.
Music has accompanied me in my joys, resentments, fears, and sadness, on the other hand it has a calming effect, it allows me to evoke memories. The Ipod contains the soundtrack of my life,
Without my Ipod, I would be disoriented, even though I have a large amount of music CDs I would feel stressed and suffocated looking for those special songs among so many. It would be very uncomfortable to manipulate my favorite CD's everywhere.
My Blu-Ray.
My Blu-Ray player is not only limited to playing a Blu-Ray disc, but also replicates the content of a USB stick, I can watch my DVDs, play music either from CD or USB stick and view pictures. In addition, without being a computer I can view internet content, as it turns my TV into a smart device by connecting it to my home network.

Being a movie buff I keep a large amount of audiovisual material consisting of movies and series in VHS, DVD and Blu-Ray format.
My collection covers all genres, horror, action, comedies, documentaries, concert videos, family videos.

My love for movies makes me watch at least two or three movies a week, so I get away from my daily life and I get to unwind, or stress myself out depending on the type of movie I watch and its content.
As for the DVD or Blu Ray format or disc, I collect them to protect their content, as well as to enjoy them. Let me explain, although there is the Streaming service, there is the possibility that within its catalog is removed that special series or movie for me and I can not see it again. So, I do not depend on Netflix, HBO, Amazon Prime Video or any other service that decides to remove a movie or series for the simple fact that it is not profitable for them.
When I want to watch a movie I try to do so in the best possible conditions, I hook up my Blu-Ray set to my Home Theater, and my 55-inch TV, sit in my favorite seat, and enjoy.
Not having it would be catastrophic for me since I still have an infinite amount of audiovisual material pending to watch, I would be tied to cable and television, and because of Covid-19 the offer in movie theaters in my country has become limited.
Additionally, watching movies allows me to publish certain movie reviews on Hive, and without this tool I would not be sure of their reliability.
My Freezer.
Since last year at home we had problems with our refrigerator, it was a two-door refrigerator with excellent refrigeration capacity. From one day to the next it stopped cooling and food started to spoil. This happens very often here in my country Venezuela due to the constant blackouts and the ups and downs in the electricity peaks when the electric service is restored.
Given the malpractice of a supposed refrigeration technician by not making the corresponding sweep the pipes of the equipment the refrigerator motor burned.
After complaining to this technician and given that the refrigerator already had more than 14 years at home we decided to change it, but economically it was not possible to buy another similar given the exaggerated increase of these products in the country.

We acquired a smaller capacity equipment, but this caused us an additional inconvenience, our level of purchases was reduced not because of economic capacity, but because food could not be physically stored, and if we exceeded the allowed capacity these were damaged.

Given this, my wife and I were able to buy a freezer that would allow us to buy the same level of food again and at the same time keep it in good condition for as long as possible.
By purchasing the equipment, our quality of life increased, we store more food and we can eat more balanced by having a greater variety of food in our possession.

Without refrigeration, food spoils by losing its freshness, and we lose money financially by having to replace it.
Link here with the option chosen to develop:These three objects were chosen by me to participate in the 91 weekend topic suggested by @galenkp in THE WEEKEND community,
Theme One: No Objects
Name three things you currently have that you cannot live without. Explain what they are, why you can't live without them, and what negative impact their loss has. Computers and telephones are excluded from this question.
Thank you for reading my publication, the photos are my property being taken with my Alcatel Plus One phone. The gif was made by me.
It's amazing to think that people used to get by without refrigeration. These days it's inconceivable. Another good post mate. Thanks.
Thanks to you for your opinion. In Venezuela we often believe that we are going back to the cave age, there are many problems with refrigeration equipment due to power outages and subsequent overvoltage, even the regulators are burned. There is a governmental malpractice since there is no investment in the infrastructure of electrical plants.
The whole world is going that way, some countries faster than others. We'll all get there eventually though.
Very indispensable for all food refrigeration. I had mine repaired just a week ago. Because of the constant ups and downs of current it was damaged. I now have my freezer active to make ice. Because I also used it to sell ice in ice cubes.
Here in Guarenas they sell detailed ice because many families do not have refrigeration capacity. I tell you that this business is lucrative. Greetings