Weekend engagement 164: I am careful not to believe everything I am told and prefer to be honest and not lie to others.

I would rather lose the ability to tell lies than to believe everything I am told lightly or easily.

Many times the brain to save time and energy feels comfortable with this decision. Not believing would mean looking for more information, listening to other sources and forming your own criteria.

I do not believe in everything they say because there may be interests to create matrices of opinion that give room for false news that can provoke chaotic reactions in people.

If I make use of my freedom, without ties to premeditated or confusing ideas, I decide whether to believe or not in what they can tell me, it is about analyzing and not accepting at first anything they tell me.

I am aware that I know and will know people who inform, give opinions and give me messages to persuade me to believe according to their interests.

I have had experience in my work as an external auditor and I really believe that these applied to my way of life help me to understand if I should believe or not in what they tell me all the time; I evaluate the evidence and where the information comes from, I make sure that it has a solid support and I always ask myself what is the intention of the person who is informing me. And I almost forgot: I evaluate the opinion of other people.

Changing the subject, I think that lying has many disadvantages, if I do it and I am discovered I lose credibility because people would stop valuing my sincerity. If the fact of lying benefits me to function in a situation I can create a vicious and compulsive circle since I will make use of this every time I have to face a situation and I can lose control of my life, as my words and statements lose value thanks to this bad habit.

It is better and more personally satisfying to show sincerity, loyalty and responsibility in my life and way of acting before others. This fact has brought me great benefits, since I generate trust when others discover that I am honest and congruent.

By telling the truth I avoid feelings of guilt, insecurity, anxiety, resentment and other emotions that come from lies or the fear of being discovered in the same.

This is my participation in the initiative created by @galenkp referring to Weekend Engagement Writing Topics: Week 164. Link Here.

Lies or truth

Would you prefer to lose the ability to lie forever or have to believe everything you're ever told? A post of 300+ words is required using your own photos if possible.

It is a great pleasure to share with everyone in the community, have a happy and memorable weekend. Greetings to all.

The photograph is my property and was taken with my Umidigi F2 cell phone.


By telling the truth I avoid feelings of guilt, insecurity, anxiety, resentment and other emotions that come from lies or the fear of being discovered in the same.

We owe it to ourselves to tell the truth, cos lying affects us more in the long run than those we told it to.

Hi @fredaa, that's the point, those lies affect us so much that we can come to believe it ourselves. Regards

I've lived in a rural farm environment, and in Brooklyn. Both places nurtured a perspective of skepticism. It was difficult to run any idea past the clear-eyed farmers of my youth. In Brooklyn, there was a saying, "Believe that and I've got a bridge to sell you." (Reference to the notorious conman who used to sell his victims the Brooklyn Bridge).

I agree with you: it's far safer to be forced into a lifetime of honesty than a lifetime of credulity.

A person who lives on credulity will always live on disappointments and therefore become very unhappy. Thank you @agmoore for stopping by and giving your opinion.