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RE: White Plays Knight to f3 || Untethering From The Digital Space

This is so important to do :)

The sleep thing. I have a feeling that the white screen stimulates the brain in a totally different way and this messes with the sleep (which research does say) but that it also somehow makes one feel as though they've missed sleep somehow.

I get really "tired" if I'm in front of a screen to much. I even look different! So I guess that's "proof" it does stimulate us too much of sorts.

I love the internet but balance is so important for health. Still working on that daily here as well.

Thanks for the reminder!

Also... do you wanna play some chess online sometimes? 😈 I'm a novice but could do with some learning for sure


Little wonder why I feel so exhausted when I spend so much time in front of my PC.

There's this exasperation I feel when look at screens all day. It's almost like I feel like I have not slept for days.

I mean, the internet is all great, but one cannot overemphasize the importance of sleeping well. Research does say that it helps bring one to equilibrium state. That's a good thing.

Do I not want to play chess online sometimes?? Of course I do!

How do we link up? Do you use Lichess,, or Chess24?

Sleep is totally underrated!


Oh goody! but I haven't used that account forever so say which and when and I'm in. Be kind! I'm a novice and here to learn

I haven't used in a long while as well, but we can work with it.

Here's an invite link to play. Nickydee VS Olujay | 10 min, casual

Believe me, I do not underestimate anybody. That's the first step to losing to anybody.


Those are wise words indeed Jedi master... I'm on my way :)


I guess I listened to Master Yoda too much as a kid.

I'll be there...

Now I'm also new to the app and haven't used it much... I've lost you again :/

My handle: newfrontiers

I guess the HF26 is messing with my notifications. This came in really late.