How to handle rejection


My daughter was quite sad to the point of crying, her college friend decided to go out with another group without telling her let alone inviting her, she felt rejected, why do we need to fit in? My daughter thought she had done something wrong, I think we have all felt that way at one time or maybe many times, while trying to cheer her up I asked her a question, how many times have you rejected another person...for moments she kept thinking just as we have been rejected many times, we too have rejected someone.

Since I was a little girl I have felt rejected my older brothers always rejected me for being the smallest of the females, they did not like to play with me, I remember that at home there was a big tree in the yard there was the play house of my older brothers as I was small I could not climb I could only hear from below as they were having fun they rejected me because according to them my mother punished them if something happened to me.


So I grew up playing alone and this had a negative impact on my life because little by little I was isolating myself always alone for everyone during my adolescence and youth it was hard for me to relate with people to make work groups in high school was a problem for me when the teacher said to form groups that was an emotional burden.

This also affected my way of communicating with people in college, at work, with my family, I would like to say that it affected me in a positive way, but it did not. However, with the years and maturity I decided to grow emotionally and turn around the rejection that marked my life. I could not carry the guilt, the same rejection that before affected me in a negative way now made me value myself and understand that I am not to blame and show that I could get ahead alone.


This is my participation in the Weekend-Engagement topics: WEEK 194 proposed by @galenkp, happy weekend to everyone we don't have to think alike just respect the thoughts of others


Photos of my property taken with my Blu61 cell phone.


Your childhood story is really sad, but I am happy to know that when you grow up you can be at peace with yourself which makes you always happy

Greetings friend maybe what was child's play affected me , but that shows that vtu decide your destiny thanks for commenting blessings 💚❤️

In high school I was rejected for not having the same economic position as my classmates, with time I discovered that although it helps money is not everything, I met people more humble and with a better heart than many wealthy people, people who worked harder to achieve their dreams, and therefore valued more each success. I believe that as we grow up with a lot of willpower we get stronger and learn something positive from those rejections, and if we look in our mind we have also rejected someone without taking into account what this could have caused, at least if we reject someone tell them why hoping that the rejected person corrects, or asking ourselves if we are the wrong ones.

I think we have all been rejected at some point but it affects .sd when it is from someone we love, we have also rejected we have affected another person .

Thanks for commenting and sharing your anecdote blessings 💚❤️

Rejection from friends can be normal but then from your own relatives it's bad, you have only them to play with but they don't want you in their midst it's terrible, I'm imagining how you must have felt growing up. Such a bad one from your brothers though🥺🥺🥺. I'm glad you grew up to be this amazing.

I don't know if it's normal among older siblings to dislike playing with younger siblings, thanks for commenting blessings 💚❤️

It's not normal to me